Chapter 58

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Dumbledore's surprising appearance saw a lot of activity in and around Hogwarts over the next few days. McGonagall though refused to change the school's plans for the weekend, she reckoned a Quidditch match was just the thing for taking the students minds of the late night intruder.

There were four first year Slytherins sitting that Saturday morning at breakfast who were far more worried about today's Quidditch match than a midnight visitor, their food was merely being shuffled around their plates as nerves played havoc with their appetites. All that tension was instantly forgotten about the moment Susan issued one of her now patent worthy squeals. She bolted straight out her seat, with Neville following on a mere second after her. Harry and Hermione swung around to see what was going on behind them, the surprise there saw Hermione squeal too. Remus and Lily were leading four people into the hall, the Grangers, Luna and Dudley.

Harry and Hermione were soon wrapped in a three way hug with their brother in all but name. Questions had to wait as Luna was finished with Susan and Neville, she now jumped on them too. Dan and Emma then got into the act, the mother squealing every bit as loudly as the redhead Professor Potter had the other night at first sight of Hermione's ring.

Needless to say, this scene was now the centre of attention in the great hall. Most of them recognised Dudley as the person who put the stuff on the screen, this gained the boy instant and almost total acceptance. There are always those though that has a difference of opinion from the norm.

Draco Malfoy had been building himself up into a strop all morning. Those particular four first years playing for Slytherin was like a weeping sore, his own exclusion from the green and silver house still hurt more than he could say. A mudblood in the Slytherin Quidditch team was bad enough but this latest travesty inside Hogwarts really pushed him over the edge. That he, a proud pureblood, was denied his rightful place at the Slytherin table was bad enough. That he had to then endure the sight of a muggle being made welcome in that hallowed place of blood purity pushed him over the edge. The red mist descended as the blond Hufflepuff made his way over to what was supposed to be his house.

"Salzar Slytherin must be turning in his grave when he sees what his once proud house has become."

Susan, as usual, was quickest with an answer. "I don't know about that Malfoy, I reckon he'll be too busy celebrating that Slytherin managed to avoid having you pull our house honour down. I know we all are."

The derisional laughter that followed that remark just fanned the flames of Draco's anger. Dudley then proceeded to douse that volatile emotion in petrol.

"Malfoy? So this is the arrogant tosser Sirius warned us about? Old Padfoot wasn't exaggerating."

Draco sensed a chance for a smidgen of retribution, he jumped on the opportunity this muggle had just handed him. "I will not be insulted by the likes of you. Let's see who's the best here, I challenge you to a duel."

Dudley replied before anyone could raise an objection. "I accept. Since you issued the challenge, I get to set the rules. Unarmed combat, no weapons or wands."

Draco was incensed. "You want me to fight like a common muggle? No way."

Dudley pinned the now concerned Malfoy with a glare that emphasised he had no intention of backing down. "You issued the challenge to a common muggle, what else did you expect? Did you honestly think I was just going to stand there and let you throw spells at me?"

From the expression displayed on his face, it was obvious to everyone witnessing this that's exactly what Draco expected. The thought of his foe actually being able to fight back never crossed his mind.

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