Chapter 22

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James currently held an excited Hermione in his arms, Lily had Dudley while Padfoot carried Harry. This left Remus free to look after Dan and Emma on their first trip via portkey. Frank and Alice had not only answered, with Voldemort gone they sent their location and a portkey so they could all visit. Neither of the young couples hadn't handled the isolation too well and were desperate to see each other again, Alice and Lily also couldn't wait to hug their godsons now this was all over.

James was doing everything in his power to keep his wife's mind on the positive, their visit to next door had definitely done that. They'd liked Bill and Tracy from the off but they fell in love with their home. The Victorian house was everything they could want in a home with bedrooms to spare, a massive back garden also made it perfect for raising a young family. James had already contacted the Potter lawyers to purchase the house as soon as possible, since the Jennings had already bought their dream cottage by the coast things should move quickly.

The same lawyers were already working on wrapping up the Dursley estate and putting the proceedings into a trust fund for Dudley, James had instantly decided to put the exact same amount away for Harry. He was consciously trying to make both of them as equal as he could from the very start. Vernon's sister had apparently made a claim for the money and custody of Dudley but his lawyers were totally confident it wouldn't reach court. The woman was unmarried with no experience of raising children, she was also financially inept with only handouts from her now dead brother keeping her head above water for years. Worse case scenario was pay a few thousand pounds compensation to have her drop the case, a price James would gladly pay to save Lily the trauma of appearing in court.

The lawyers were also handling all the Dursley funeral arrangements, that would be traumatic enough for her. Like so many of their friends both Potters had lost almost all their family in this war, these wounds weren't going to heal overnight.

Introducing some new friends to their old friends was a small step in the healing process. With a quick check to see everyone was holding on to the portkey and ready, James used his wand to activate the piece of rope.

The group of three toddlers, two dentists, a witch and the marauders found themselves reappearing in the middle of a fierce battle that had spells flying everywhere.


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