Chapter 2

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James as predicted was panicking until his wife was able to reassure him, "Darling, I'm in a perfectly normal home and their little girl is so adorable, she and Harry are getting on like a house on fire. Since when do death eaters start impersonating dentists? We'll stay safe and be home later. Harry gets so few opportunities to play with children his own age, just watching them together is wonderful and reminds me what we're fighting for. We won't be too long love and here's the telephone number in case you need to get in touch."

Lily read out the number, told her husband she loved him before putting down the phone to find Emma standing there with a laden tray in her hands.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't help overhearing that, you're not in any trouble are you?"

The concern in the slightly older woman's face was easy for Lily to read. With her mother dead, her sister treating her as if she didn't exist and all her friends excluded because of the fidelius charm, Lily was desperate for another woman to talk to. It would be so easy to tell this complete stranger everything over a cup of Earl Grey and a digestive biscuit, Emma was one of those people you just instantly trusted. Lily couldn't do it though so tried to stick closely to the truth.

"No Emma, it's not what you think. We're in a spot of bother but not with the authorities. My husband really is in the police force and very good at his job. He works in the anti-terrorism branch and has made some bad enemies. One of those enemies has threatened Harry's life, this guy doesn't kid around so this is deadly serious. As you can imagine this has shaken us to the core. That these animals would attack a child makes me want to vomit, that it's my child targeted makes me want to pick up a weapon and fight for his life."

Lily found herself having to take the tray from Emma as she began to shake, "They would attack that beautiful child in there? How do you stand it Lily, I would be a basket case if Hermione was in that kind of danger."

"You just have to live your life as best you can while keeping Harry as safe as possible. We don't actually live around here and I can't tell you where we do. I can give you our phone number because it doesn't appear on any lists. James was worried that we might have been enticed into coming here but I just can't see your Hermione as a Mata Hari figure."

Emma was flabbergasted, "Lily, how can you joke about this? I would be going crazy!"

"Emma, if I don't joke about the situation then I would find myself sitting in a corner crying. I'm not saying I don't pay the occasional visit to that corner but most days I can avoid it. I have a wonderful son and a husband who needs me to be strong."

Emma put her arm around the petite redhead's shoulders and pointed her in the direction of the playroom, this was probably unnecessary as the sound of their giggling children would have led her straight there anyway.

Hermione had put her little witches costume on and was swishing her wand about all over the place, Harry was sitting patiently waiting on something happening. The minute the adults entered with the tray, Hermione moved a few toys to clear her small table so she and Harry could sit at it.

Lily tried not to smile at the apple juice and little pots of sliced fruit, this was definitely the house of two dentists. When Harry started eating his fruit with his fingers, Hermione put down her spoon and did the same. Both mothers thought that was about the cutest thing they had ever seen.

"Hermione usually has an afternoon nap about now, your Harry looks as if he could use one as well. Why don't we put them down and we can have a girls afternoon and chat."

Lily was tempted, when she saw Hermione take a blanket out a drawer and lead Harry over to a comfortable looking sofa her mind was made up. James knew they were safe and an hour or two chatting about normal things would fairly recharge her batteries before she was once more confined to the cottage.


Emma enjoyed her afternoon. Lily was such a lovely woman. She understood that there were things in her life the young redhead couldn't talk about, but there appeared to be large black holes in her knowledge of things and events that didn't make sense. It was as if she had been living on a desert island for a good few years. When they strayed from the subject of children and family, Lily noticeably struggled with several topics. Emma was beginning to think that the Potter family was on some witness protection scheme. The entire police angle appeared too contrived. She'd said her husband went to school with her, which posed a question Emma didn't ask. How does a twenty-one-year-old policeman get to make enemies so dangerous that they threaten to kill your family?

Emma's senses told her that this woman was no danger to her or her family. Danger was the last thing on her mind as she glanced over at the two toddlers lying on the sofa. They were now awake but appeared content to snuggle with one another.

The door opened, and a man's voice alerted both women that they had been chatting for far longer than they thought. Hermione's voice piped up from the sofa, "Daddy, we're in here!"

As Dan Granger entered the room, Hermione untangled herself from Harry and raced to greet her father. As this was her usual form of welcome, Dan was well prepared. He scooped her into his arms, spinning her around until her giggles filled the room. However, Dan wasn't ready for a little boy toddling over and holding his arms up for the same treatment. Hermione was even more excited than usual at her father coming home. She had so much to tell him! 

"Daddy, this is Harry. He's my bestest friend in the whole wide world!"

Dan glanced at his wife and the young redheaded. Both nodded their heads in permission. Dan quickly scooped Harry up and swung them both gently around. The happy sound made by the children was music to the parents' ears.

"Emma, I really need to be going. I was enjoying myself here so much that I lost all track of time. Can I phone James before he starts to panic? It's dark outside now, and Harry and I should have been home ages ago."

Emma introduced Lily to Dan, who was on the floor and happily playing with both children. Lily hurried off to make her call. Emma was filling in any blanks Hermione left in her description of their day to her daddy. 

The image of her husband sitting on the floor with a child on each knee as he beamed with happiness was immensely beautiful for both the Granger's parents. 

Emma had two miscarriages before they were blessed with Hermione. Her health had taken such a beating carrying her daughter to term that the doctors couldn't say if Emma would survive having another child. Both parents decided to be happy with the wonderful daughter they had instead of risking everything by trying to have another child. While the decision might have been the right thing to do, it didn't mean the thought of Hermione growing up as an only child didn't hurt like hell.

Today was the first time they'd seen their daughter interact with another child near her age. Both of them were extremely happy with the development. Emma was certainly going to ensure that Lily knew she and Harry were welcome back here anytime.


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