Chapter 42

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Wednesday 29th August 1990.

Sirius was waiting at the dock for the boat from Azkaban to arrive. His initial plan was to take Narcissa directly to Grimmauld Place, hopefully then to never hear the name Malfoy again. That plan was shot to pieces the instant he laid eyes on his cousin. Narcissa had easily been the vainest of the three Black sisters, a lengthy stay in Azkaban would appear to have cured the youngest sibling of that affliction. Narcissa was two years younger than Andi but currently appeared at least two decades older.

Her hair hung lank, unwashed and uncared for. This added emphasis to her gaunt and haunted appearance. Her eyes never rested as they constantly searched for danger, she seemed ready to either bolt or collapse at the first loud noise. Her appearance reminded Sirius of a character in the kids' favourite movie. The once proud pureblood Narcissa Malfoy now resembled the scarecrow. With the evidence currently in front of him, Sirius was glad never to have set foot in that place.

"Hello Cissi, long time no see. You look like shit!"

She appeared to take great confidence from recognising him, a spark of life appeared to enter her eyes. "Sirius Black, nice to see some things haven't changed while I was away. You're still an arsehole. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I got you out of that place on compassionate grounds, I also came to personally deliver an apology. In fairness though, I just found out. My mother somehow gained custody of your son and has raised him. It only came to light a few days ago when she died."

"I thought I had another eighteen months left to serve. I spent years asking what happened to my son, the bastards wouldn't tell me anything. We both know Walburga was not right in the head Sirius, how's Draco?"

"He's fit and healthy Cissi. His attitude is probably what you would expect from someone raised by my mother, warped and twisted. You'll have your work cut out to repair the damage. I was originally going to take you straight there but you appear to be dead on your feet. I'm going to take you to St Mungo's and then contact Andi. She might agree to look in on him until you're fit enough, I don't want him near my wife or baby daughter."

Narcissa didn't have any energy left to ask more questions, never mind argue with Sirius. Yes she was desperate to see Draco but would prefer to at least have bathed and changed first. Her baby would be too young to remember his mother. Narcissa didn't want to be looking like this at his first sight of her.

Sirius portkeyed both of them to St Mungo's before arranging a private room for Narcissa, then he floocalled Andi.

Sirius hated telling her this way but it was necessary. "Hi Andi, I need to ask you a massive favour. I've got Cissi out of Azkaban but she really needs at least a few days in St Mungo's before she'll be fit enough to look after her son."

Andi sighed, she wasn't sure about this but provisionally agreed. "Sirius, I'll come to St Mungo's and talk with Cissi. If she's still the same stuck-up bitch that wanted nothing to do with Ted or I, then I won't be there for very long."

Sirius gladly accepted that promise, it was probably the best he could hope for.

Andi promptly arrived, took one look at her broken young sister lying in the bed and burst into tears. Now she was washed and in a hospital gown, Narcissa resembled a skeleton more than a scarecrow. Andi soon had her baby sister's slight form wrapped in her arms as both cried while trying to apologise for deeds and words from years ago.

Sirius tactically withdrew, there must be a mug of coffee somewhere in this place with his name on it. He returned later to find both of them chatting while a nurse hovered with a tray of potions.

"Sirius, they want to fill me with potions that will have me sleep while healing. I wanted to find out about Draco first."

"As I said he's healthy and, unfortunately, the spitting image of his father. You can both stay at Grimmauld and I'll arrange a stipend to support you both for now. The moment your husband is free, all that stops and Grimmauld goes up for sale. Lucius will never set foot in a property I own."

Narcissa almost managed a smile, it was fuelled by relief. "Thank you Sirius, that's more than fair. I have no idea what financial position we're in at the moment so I really appreciate you doing this for my son and I."

"Narcissa, I may hate your husband but I would never have stood back and let Draco be raised by my mother, I honestly didn't know. Andi will keep me updated with what is happening as I need to go now."

Narcissa started to take her potions as Andi kissed his cheek. "Give my love to Aurora and Joy, I'll call later."

With that, Sirius left. He'd done his best for the boy, the rest was up to his mother.


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