Chapter 45

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The four settled down as the train headed out of London, bound for Scotland.

"Harry, you know we'll keep in touch. Anyway, can you see Dudley leaving St Andrews without Luna? Never going to happen."

"You're right Hermione but it just feels so strange, this is the first time I can remember us ever being separated."

Susan agreed with Harry. "I'll miss them too. What's going to happen if we get sorted into different houses? I would hate it if we were reduced to seeing each other only at meals and sharing a few classes."

Hermione was the one who usually came up with a plan of action, she didn't disappoint. "I spoke to Uncle Remus about that, he told me you can influence the sorting hat. It will listen to what's most important to you. The most important thing for us is to be together. Susan will be the first to be sorted and then we all demand to be in the same house."

"Glad to know the Bones name is good for something, even if it's only alphabetical. No pressures on me then, choose the house for all of us and Luna next year."

Neville was smiling at Sue's pretend pout. "It's not that important Sue. Sorry Harry but I don't care if we're not in Gryffindor with Uncle James, as long as we're all in the same house that will do for me."

This set Hermione off into a bout of the giggles. "This is going to be so weird. Having to remember to call Uncle James, Aunt's Lily and Aurora by Professor."

"Hey, you think you lot got it bad? I've got to change from mum and dad to Professor Potter."

The four were all laughing as the compartment door opened and a set of twin boys entered.

"What do you think George, likely candidates?"

"Oh I would say so Fred. Four firsties acting as if they don't have a care in the world, could be the very people we're looking for."

"I'm Fred and he's George, we're the Weasley twins. The best pranksters in Hogwarts."

Harry could never resist a good prank, especially when it landed right in his lap. "Oh, we've heard about you two." Fred and George looked quite pleased until Harry continued. "My dad says you show some promise but are still rather amateurish and far too predictable."

Fred wasn't pleased. "And just who is this paragon of pranking you call dad?"

George had another thought. "You wouldn't happen to be Remus Lupin's son? We spotted him on the platform saying goodbye to someone and have been checking all the firsties."

The four burst into laughter again, Neville was almost doubled over. "Uncle Remus as your dad."

Susan couldn't help but add her tuppence worth. "Could have been worse, imagine Uncle Sirius?"

This had Harry springing to his godfather's defence. "Hey, leave my dogfather alone you guys."

Hermione backed him up. "Yeah, Padfoot makes a wonderful father. Just look at the way he dotes on Joy."

Susan was still sniggering at her friend. "Did you bring Paddy to Hogwarts?"

Hermione wasn't in the least perturbed, she rested her head on Harry's shoulder. "Of course I did, I'll need something to cuddle into when Harry's sleeping in the boys dorm."

The twins were left thinking they'd found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

"Uncle Remus?"


Both now invited themselves to sit with the firsties. "Tell us more?"

"Yeah, Remus Lupin and the Marauders are our biggest heroes."

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