Chapter 54

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Tracy and Daphne were a little uncomfortable about tonight so approached Hermione to see just what they'd let themselves in for. "Hermione, just what is a movie night?"

Daphne had a follow on question. "More importantly, what's the dress code?"

"Well, normally we'd usually have our nightclothes on as we would tumble into bed after the movie finished. Just wear whatever you're comfortable lounging around the boys dorm in."

Tracy was left struggling for breath, never mind words, so it was left to Daphne to question what they just heard. You mean we're going into the boys dorm?"

Hermione nodded. "They can't come in here and we would disturb anyone studying if we did it in the common room. Don't worry about it, we do it all the time at home."

Daphne was finding this situation hard to believe, she was worried they were being set-up like Lavender Brown. "I've never even been inside a boy's room before, it's simply not done."

Hermione's mirror went off at that point so it was left to Susan to reassure them. Hermione was too busy looking at Luna's sad face reflected back from her mirror. Since Luna was normally the cheeriest soul amongst them, you didn't need to be a seer to know that something was wrong. "Hey Luna, what's up?"

"Oh I just wanted a chat. Dudley told me you were holding movie night this evening and it just made me miss you four even more."

All six friends enjoyed movie night but it was Luna's favourite. She was always first there and loved lounging with her friends while losing herself in a good story.

"I don't need to ask who picked tonight's movie and I'll miss singing along to all the songs. Dudley has been wonderful with me but I'm sure he's missing you even more than I am."

Hermione could see the tears beginning to form in the corner of Luna's eyes. They all missed Dudley and Luna but it would appear to be harder for the ones left behind. It was time to cheer her friend up. "Luna, remember I told you about having talks with Aunt Lily on what our options were after leaving Hogwarts? Well that wasn't all we talked about."

She could clearly see Luna's interest was peeked so pressed ahead. "You couldn't attend Hogwarts this year because of their strict admissions policy. You have to be eleven before the first of September."

Luna was nodding into her mirror, she knew this and wondered what Hermione was leading up to. She didn't have long to wait.

"We did some research and nowhere in that admissions policy does it say you must begin your education in first year."

Hermione enjoyed watching her friend's face closely as the penny dropped, Luna was soon wearing a wide smile. "That would mean I could be in the same year as you guys, and then leave with you as well?"

Hermione's smile now matched her friend's. "We planned on telling you next month as part of your birthday surprise. When I saw you I thought you could use a little boost tonight. We've got you all Hogwarts first year books and you'll get a copy of all our notes sent home with Aunt Lily at the weekends. She'll also arrange for you to be here and sit the end of year exams along with us. Then next September, you could be a second year Slytherin."

Luna though was thinking ahead much further than that. "If I leave the same time as you, that means I would be able to go to university with you, Harry and Dudley. That's if you want me to?"

"Of course we want you to, when has Dudley ever been able to say no to you? Neville and Susan are welcome to join us as well."

The Luna she knew was now looking back at her through the mirror. A Luna who was so bubbling with excitement she could hardly sit still. "That's fantastic Hermione, but I need to go now. I want to catch Dudley and tell him the news before his mirror is tied up sending you the movie. Send my love to everyone and you better believe I'll pass those exams."

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