Chapter 10

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Hermione was predictably overjoyed at the thought of her new best-friend staying in her house, the little girl's excitement was contagious. All the adults began to relax at the sight of two toddlers being just that, toddlers. Harry though was playing-up from all the attention and wanted to ride on 'Paddy's' back. Sirius could never deny his godson anything and transformed, Harry was soon on his back with his mother holding him on. Of course Hermione had to be next.

Like children the world over, when they're getting all their own way, they instinctively know to push the boundaries. He now wanted to ride on his father's back but Lily was putting her foot down. "No Harry, there's not enough room in here. You know that's only allowed outside."

Harry looked toward his father, knowing that not to be true. Harry was far too young to grasp that activity was only allowed when mummy wasn't in the house.

Dan was intrigued, "Why is James different from Sirius, is he a St Bernard or something? The hall should be big enough for him as I definitely want to see this."

With both kids jumping up and down in anticipation, Lily was easily outvoted.

Hermione's eyes were the size of saucers as she watched the transformation. Like any young child, she associated any animal of this shape with only one thing. With an expression of utter bliss on her angelic little face, she said the first thing that came into her head. "Santa!"

Remus and Sirius fell about laughing and Lily was having a hard time containing her giggles. The thought of James pulling Santa's sleigh proved too much and she was forced to surrender to her laughter.

Emma was too busy staring in amazement at this magnificent and noble creature to explain the difference between a stag and a reindeer to her daughter.

Sirius was trying to speak while gasping for breath, "Oh that is so much better than Bambi, let it be proclaimed that Prongs shall be known as Prancer from now on!"

This cracked the two marauders and Lily up until she noticed Harry beginning to get agitated, he was standing impatiently waiting to be placed on his father's back. Lily plonked her now laughing son on the stag's back and then plopped Hermione right behind him. The little girl wasn't frightened in the least and immediately wrapped her arms around Harry. With Hermione clutching Harry, Lily was easily able to hold both children steady as Prongs pranced around the hall. This again had Remus and Sirius in fits of laughter and it appeared the name Prancer might actually stick.

Dan was standing behind Emma with both arms around his wife's waist as he kept telling himself that their daughter was perfectly safe. It was hard to refute that idea while the children's laughter was loud and plentiful as both rode this great beast around their hall. It was also hard to refute the existence of magic after what they'd witnessed tonight.

Dan thought he also understood all the laughter and pandering to the children's every whim. These people were basically reaffirming they were all still alive and attempting to place what could have happened behind them. He'd rarely seen his daughter happier so had no problems with this understandable behaviour. It was also understood that all the adults would be sitting down to do some serious talking after the children went to bed. They were letting off steam now before that discussion brought the events from earlier crashing home once more.


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