Chapter 49

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Since Professor Black collected them outside the great hall, almost all the first years made it to defence class on time. Only two Hufflepuffs were missing, Draco had been too busy concentrating on ignoring everyone that he missed the glaringly obvious. When food was on the table, Ron was oblivious to everything else. Neither boy had any intention of asking for directions.

Sirius took the register, again attempting to match faces to names. He intended his first class to be a memorable one. "Now since this is your first lesson it might not seem fair to ask you the most important question you'll be faced with in this class over the next seven years. It may also help enforce the maxim that often life is extremely unfair. The question though is really quite a simple one. If someone was about to attack you, what is the best method of defending yourself?"

Draco chose this precise moment to race into the classroom.

"Mr Malfoy, be late for my class again and it will cost you house points. As it is, you can be the first person to answer the question I'm putting on the board."

Sirius moved to the front of his desk and hopped up onto it, leaving his legs swinging in space. He was trying to create a relaxed atmosphere with this class and lazily waved his wand at the board.

Draco studied the question that appeared there for a moment before formulating his answer. "I would use a shield charm professor."

"Very good Draco, now take a seat." Another wave of his wand and 'shield charm' appeared on the board, underneath his original question.

"Mr Thomas, what do you think?"

"Professor Black, I'm a muggleborn and this is my first lesson on magic. I have no idea sir."

"I understand that Mr Thomas but please look at the question again carefully, it doesn't mention magic. Supposing you were faced with someone wielding a gun, what would your answer be?"

"Em, a bullet-proof vest sir?"

""Very good Mr Thomas." A wave of his wand and 'armour' appeared beside Draco's answer.

'Now we've asked a Hufflepuff and a Gryffindor, time for a Ravenclaw. Miss Turpin, an answer if you please?"

"Sir, I would try to negotiate and solve the problem without violence."

Sirius nodded in acceptance as 'negotiate' appeared beside the other two answers while their professor chose his next victim with great care. "Miss Granger, would you care to enlighten us with your answer please?"

Hermione's answer was precise and to the point. "Don't be there sir."

This drew a few chuckles as Sirius' wand added 'evade' to the answers already on the board.

"Now boys and girls, we currently have answers from every house and both sexes but which are correct? To determine that we have to carry out a class investigation."

The barely contained glee from their professor alerted a certain four Slytherins to how this was going to play out, especially when Sirius floated out from a cupboard some equipment they were familiar with. They should be, it was theirs. Sirius flicked his wand and an armoured vest and helmet made it's way toward Dean.

"Mr Thomas, please put this on."

It was a worried Gryffindor who fastened the Velcro bindings before donning the helmet and goggles. Dean felt incredibly stupid, sitting in class dressed like this. That was up until the moment Professor Black fired a curse at him. He jumped before the professor's outstretched hand halted any further action.

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