Chapter 56

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Happy Slytherins who effortlessly interacted with their peers in the other three houses was not something Hogwarts was accustomed to. The entire school appeared to be adopting a 'wait and see' policy before passing any comment, never mind becoming involved. This was especially true of the young Slytherins own house. Slytherins acting in such an un-Slytherin manner was certainly something that was worth the watching.

Add to that the headmistress alluding to their being fliers with the potential to make this year's Quidditch teams and it was perhaps understandable that there was an audience at the recently announced first years' flying lesson. Nearly everyone who didn't have a class at that particular time turned up. Draco Malfoy was convinced they were all here to see him while Ronald Weasley was almost as delusional. Ron had convinced himself that it was him that McGonagall had been talking about, Quidditch was in every Weasley's blood. Ron may have been sorted into Hufflepuff but that didn't mean he wouldn't give them the benefit of his Quidditch skills, only after they begged him of course.

Since Malfoy had no friends to talk to, he had to content himself with making announcements that were loud enough for everyone to hear. "This is where true breeding will show. Some of you have no right to be on a broom, far less at Hogwarts."

Susan attempted to shut Malfoy up before any of her friends took direct action, she didn't want them missing tomorrows Quidditch trials by getting a detention for flattening this annoying prick. "Malfoy, if there is ever a house at Hogwarts where empty boasts and inflated egos are things to be coveted, you and your buddy Weasley there would not only be in it but already wearing prefect badges."

Malfoy was all ready to retaliate against calling Weasley his buddy when Madam Hooch arrived. The flying instructor had that air of someone you should never mess with, she also had the ability to ban you from flying.

Rolanda was walking up and down the line of students, giving them her usual dire warning of what would happen if they even thought about misbehaving, when she noticed something most peculiar. There were Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws and even a Gryffindor mixed in with the Slytherins. Madam Hooch would have been even more astonished to discover these non-Slytherin students were all muggleborns. She did manage to ignore all the sniggering as she got ripped into Malfoy for holding his broomstick all wrong.

When they were finally allowed into the air, a certain four Slytherins kept a very close eye on those classmates who were sitting on a broom for the very first time. Dean was really beginning to enjoy himself, Justin wanted his broom fitted with a seatbelt and parachute while Terry just wanted his feet back on terra firma.

Malfoy and Weasley though were flying about like idiots, causing mayhem wherever they went. Draco easily managed to goad Ron into playing follow my leader, a decision they would both soon regret. The arrogant blond's intentions were clear though his execution was crap. As Malfoy shot toward the ground, he suddenly slammed on the breaks to help him pull out of the dive. Unfortunately, Ron was right on his bristles and determined to prove he was more than capable of emulating anything Draco could do. Instead of pulling up and watching Ron spread himself all over the grass, Draco's breaking manoeuvre saw the chasing flier slam into the back of him at the top speed these brooms were capable of.

The loud cracks that reverberated across the lawn weren't just from the old brooms breaking as two boastful boys were reduced to a pair of cry-babies. They got absolutely no sympathy from a raging flying instructor, rather detention and levitated to Madam Pomfrey. Harry had already led everyone back onto the ground by the time Madam Hooch had finished shouting at the two crying boys. If nothing else, they provided a powerful visual aid as to why you shouldn't be attempting flying manoeuvres your current skill level couldn't handle.

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