Chapter 47

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Hermione found her belongings had been placed at a four-poster bed between Pansy's and Susan's, they had Tracy, Daphne and Millicent across from them. Hermione knew Dudley and Luna would be desperate to hear from them so sat on her new bed and took out her mirror. "Snow White for Thumper and Ariel – expand."

The other four girls were arranging their belongings while attempting to peek at what was going on, especially when Susan repeated the process. Both girls were clearly talking to other people and it was Pansy whose curiosity got the better of her first.

The dark haired girl peered over Hermione's shoulder and spied five other faces appearing on what she'd assumed was a simple mirror. "Hermione, how is this possible?"

"Oh, these are PMP prototypes that we're product testing. Remus hopes to have them on sale by next year at the latest. Neville, Susan, and Harry you know, the other two are our friends Dudley and Luna."

Pansy was even more confused with that answer. ""Didn't you say earlier that these two were somewhere outside London and that the boy was a muggle?"

"They're in my house in Crawley and Dudley isn't magical, but I don't see your problem?"

Millicent had given up all pretence that she wasn't dying to know what these things were. She was now leaning over Hermione's other shoulder while Tracy and Daphne had taken up the same positions around Susan.

The large Slytherin girl was also still having trouble with this. "How can a muggle use a magical device? Isn't that against the statue of secrecy?"

"Dudley stays with Harry and I, he's currently living with my parents since his are the Potters and they're now here full time."

Any more explanations from Hermione were cut off as her parents appeared in Dudley's mirror. The other four Slytherin girls were left to watch in disbelief as all these people chatted with each other, despite some of them being hundreds of miles away from Hogwarts.

The same scenario was also taking place in the first year Slytherin boy's dorm. Greg, Vincent, Theo and Blaise were every bit as impressed as their female counterparts. All eight new Slytherins were looking at the item that had just shot straight to the top of their Christmas wish lists.

When a green 'P' appeared in the last space of the mirror, the watchers were amazed to discover that 'Padfoot' was none other than their head of house, Professor Black.

"Guys, you've all got a busy day tomorrow, don't stay up half the night chatting. I'm assuming there are others now listening in so I'll just welcome everyone to Slytherin House, I'll meet you all in the common room before breakfast tomorrow. Night all."

This display ended any and all objections Millicent may have had over Granger's blood status. She had instantaneous access to their head of house and called the man uncle. It was also obvious that none of the others in their year had a problem with the girl.

After watching what an arse Malfoy had made of himself earlier, there really wasn't a choice left to make. Millicent was a Slytherin through and through, she wasn't about to buck public opinion, or go after someone so clearly well connected, over a simple thing like blood prejudice. She had to spend the next seven years with these people, she had no intention of making enemies. A happy house would be a productive house and Millicent knew she needed the best education she could get.

There were also eyebrows raised when Hermione placed Paddy on her bed, Susan smiled at her friend and answered the unasked question. "Hermione here needs Paddy to cuddle into when she hasn't got her Harry."

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