Chapter 14

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James had proven quite accurate in his prediction, Lily currently had two children cuddling into her. She was also hoping to have more luck convincing the Grangers than she did the Dursleys. "Emma, today it felt as if I said goodbye to my only sister, I don't want to lose you too! Please take our warning seriously, I couldn't bear to think of anything happening to this beautiful girl here."

Emma attempted to reassure her, "We are taking it seriously and think we will also be leaving Britain. We don't have the same pressure of time that you have bearing down on you but Dan was contacting our lawyers about selling our practice and this house. The prices we get for both will determine where and when we can move."

James had heard from his wife about the conversation she had with Emma last night. Leaving aside the debt the Potters owed this family, James would still want to help them. "Emma, any help you need, financial or otherwise will be available to you. I can't have my son missing his bestist friend."

Harry may have no idea what the grown-ups were talking about but he recognised that last bit. "Hermi!" was shouted like a chant and lightened the adults' mood.

Moving abroad was a daunting thought and Emma could appreciate the benefits of already knowing some people there, especially since Hermione was already so comfortable with them. "Have you decided where you're going yet?"

James nodded, "My family owns a large house near Wellington in New Zealand, that seems like a good place to start. We will of course keep in touch and you're very welcome to join us there whenever you want. Whether we stay there or settle in another part of the world is something we can decide at our leisure when we don't have to worry about our safety."

Lily appeared to snuggle into the children even more, "I won't feel safe until we're all out of the country and out of the reach of that madman, I'm just glad you listened to us."


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