Chapter 51

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James was drawn out of the conversation on how his wife's morning had gone when his mirror called. He looked down from the staff table and could see Harry sitting at the Slytherin table with his mirror in his hand. He also noticed Sirius reaching for his pocket.

"Hi dad, Padfoot. I've got something to ask you both. Dean Thomas is apparently a massive football fan and we'd like to invite him to watch Match of the Day with us on Saturday. The problem is that curfew kicks in before the end of the program."

Both heads of house knew exactly what Harry was asking of them, James also understood Padfoot had to take the lead on this one.

"Harry I had planned on watching the football with you guys on Saturday. Tell Dean he's welcome to join us and I'll walk him back to Gryffindor tower after the program finishes. That's providing his head of house agrees to it?"

James had found himself unknowingly holding his breath as the situation unfolded. The enormity of what Harry was proposing was mind blowing. A muggle born Gryffindor was being invited into Slytherin house to watch a muggle sport being broadcast by the BBC. This was a prank against the old establishment of stupendous proportions. "His head of house thinks that's a wonderful idea. Tell Dean it's sorted."

Dean hadn't touched his lunch, that would mean taking his eyes off Harry Potter and then he might miss the signal he was so desperately waiting on. Hogwarts was a strange new world to the boy from the east end of London but being able to see a bit of 'home' would change his entire time in the castle. When Harry turned and gave him the double thumbs-up, it was like West Ham winning promotion all over again. Dean was up on his feet and punching the air in celebration, he didn't even realise he was shouting for joy.

The headmistress cast her eyes over this unusual behaviour before having a word with the boy's head of house. "James, can I assume there is no need to be alarmed concerning Mr Thomas' behaviour?"

"Minerva, to be honest, I feel like doing the same thing myself.

After hearing why the lad was celebrating, only her many years experience kept Minerva's reaction to a mere raising of an eyebrow and a slight smile on her lips. Slytherin and Gryffindor students being civil to each other was the limit of her ambitions regarding the bitter rivals. Having them socialising together was something she thought would not be seen in her lifetime, never mind her tenure as headmistress. Wait until the portraits in her office heard about this, there would be uproar. This news could even see a fight or two break out amongst the former heads of Hogwarts, Minerva would sit back with a wee dram and watch her own particular match unfold.

There were also grumblings about this development amongst the other Slytherin first years, Hermione had an idea how to head it off.

"Guys, since we've got astronomy at midnight on Wednesday, why not make that movie night?"

Neville was first to agree, and book the initial movie night premier. "That's a brilliant idea Hermione. Bags Jungle Book to be up first."

Three pretend groans left Pansy just having to ask. "What's this book about the jungle, and what's a movie?"

Susan answered her housemate. "You're in for a treat Pansy, I wonder if we can get some popcorn in the castle?"

Millie glanced toward Hermione for conformation. "Yes Millie, this time she's telling the truth. Not like today when my handsome Prince Harry was once an amphibian."

Harry groaned as Neville rocked with laughter. He turned to Susan, his admiration visible for all to see. "Who did you find that was stupid enough to fall for that fairy tale? No one's bought that since we were six!"

Susan, Millicent and Hermione all stared at the Gryffindor table where Lavender and Parvati were currently involved in a serious looking conversation.

"I think if we got hold of a few frogs, I could convince some Gryffindors to kiss them."

"Susan, you're terrible. Where are we supposed to find frogs during September in the Scottish highlands?"

The other four Slytherin females in first year had nothing but admiration for their two housemates. The thought of two Gryffindor girls willingly puckering up to a couple of frogs was simply too funny not to laugh. As the joke spread throughout Slytherin, so did the laughter.

Minerva sat at the staff table and thought that Hogwarts was going from strength to strength.


Severus Snape stared at the same wall he'd faced for almost ten years. The rudimentary calendar he'd painstakingly scratched into the stonework generated a feeling of hope within him that even the dementors couldn't steal away.

Yes, he was certainly physically a shadow of the man who entered this cell. He was barely over thirty yet had white streaks through his hair and you could count his ribs when he took his robe off. The self-made calendar offered Severus the one thing Azkaban had denied him all these years, hope. In two months, Severus Snape would be a free man.

His parents' old house was a muggle one and therefore should have escaped any asset sweep the ministry or goblins carried out on him. He also had some cash squirreled away there, not much but enough to ensure he ate better than he did in this place. He would need time to build up his strength after the ravages Azkaban had bestowed upon him before deciding what his first steps as a free man should be, probably a move out the country.

James Potter already hated him before the incident with Petunia while Lily could put a goblin to shame with the way she could hold a grudge and how vicious she could be. Meeting either would not be beneficial to his health. It would also take some time to discover how the released death eaters would be perceived in post Voldemort Britain. Anything was possible but Severus was fairly certain he would need a one-way ticket to wherever he could afford.


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