Chapter 24

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Frank wasn't overly concerned when the ward's tingled at a portkey entering them, the dark lord was no more and they were expecting company. They were not expecting a trio of death eaters bursting in with wands already firing spells. Alice was on the floor playing with their son when Bellatrix hit her with the cruciatus curse, her screams of pain reverberated off the walls. Frank had his hands full fighting off Rodolphus and Rabastan, his wife's screams were driving him insane but he couldn't get to her aid without suffering the same fate. These three death eaters were all very experienced at this and Frank's attacks were becoming more and more desperate as spells were now flying everywhere.

It was into this scene that their friends arrived and immediately burst into action.

James was the only one with his wand in his hand since he'd activated the portkey, he also had Hermione in his other arm but didn't hesitate for a second. The safety of everyone here could only be guaranteed by putting these three down as quickly as possible, with four children here this was not the time for stunners or wasted calls of 'aurors - surrender your wands'. A curse into the back of the nearest death eater was immediately followed by tossing Hermione to her thankfully alert and waiting father.

Sirius was standing next to Emma and the woman practically ripped Harry from his arms, allowing the auror to join the fight. Remus was busy transfiguring furniture into walls and neither Granger needed to be told what to do next, both were soon behind the walls and trying to protect the children with their bodies. Lily and Dudley soon joined them before she used her wand to summon her godson. With Dudley and Neville quickly passed to the Grangers and safely hidden behind the transfigured walls, the young witch took over the defensive duties thus freeing Remus to join the fight.

Sirius had started firing curses at his cousin the instant his wand was in his hand, with Remus joining him it was only stray or deflected curses Lily had to be on her guard for now. Neither of the two remaining death eaters had any time to waste firing curses in the children's direction, they were far too busy fighting for their very lives. As Bella came under the combined onslaught of Remus and Sirius, she was being forced further and further back as she dodged spells.

Sirius wanted to ensure Bellatrix kept her full attention on him and Remus, there were currently four kids, two muggles and a witch lying on the floor that were all defenceless. This called for a little taunting. "Hello cousin, up to your old tricks again I see! What master are you following now that shit for brains Voldemort got his arse handed to him?"

"Don't you dare speak my master's name! A blood traitor like you is unworthy of having that pass your lips."

Sirius knew what buttons to press with Bella and could see it was working so kept it up. "I don't even want to think about where your lips have been cuz, never figured a Black would ever be an ass-kisser. Then again, when you marry into scum I suppose a sharp fall in standards has to be expected. At least your sister Cissi manages to keep her nose up in the air while living with filth, thank Merlin for Andi!"

Bella was now solely focused on killing this blood traitor of the Black name, so focused that she totally missed the real danger. Alice lay there forgotten and not as defenceless as Sirius thought, she'd managed to draw her wand. Her limbs were shaking so bad though that firing a curse might miss this bitch and hit one of her friends. The death eater was getting closer and Alice judged her moment well, as Bella dodged a spell from Remus she was now almost within touching distance of the witch lying shaking on the floor. Alice could hardly miss as she fired a reducto curse into the back of Bellatrix's left knee, blowing the leg right off and putting the crazy bitch down. A stunner from Sirius made sure she stayed there as he raced over to defend Alice and cast a protective shield. Remus now joined the fight on the remaining death eater still standing.

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