Chapter 52

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Lily ran a watchful eye over her brood as they made their way into her charms class. She really had to suppress her maternal instinct that wanted to offer their usual greeting of hugs, this was something the Hogwarts professor was going to struggle becoming accustomed to. Lily consoled herself that at least Harry and Hermione appeared to have slept last night. She was jarred from her parental concerns by someone in the class emitting a loud croaking noise.

Professor Potter was about to stamp her authority on the class when she noticed her four charges for the past ten years attempting not to laugh, the expression of triumph worn on Susan's face was the mother's biggest clue to what was happening here. If there was one person inside Hogwarts who could recognise a prank in progress, that person would be Lily Potter. After all, the professor had many years of personal experience to call on.

The amphibian mating call made another appearance as Lily was reading out the register, but this time she spotted the culprit. There was also more evidence as to just what was going on here staring Lily straight in the face, this helped clue her into what was unfolding in her class. That the croaking call came when she was reading out her son's name was the first clue, Hermione practically biting Harry's shoulder to stop herself from laughing out loud was certainly another. That Susan was proudly sitting there, basking in the obvious admiration of both Harry and Neville, gave Lily all the proof she needed to who the instigator of this prank was.

Lily clearly remembered another incident concerning frogs and decided to play her hunch.

"Mr Weasley, it would appear you have a frog in your throat? Do you require the assistance of Madam Pomfrey or are you just hoping a pretty girl will kiss it better for you?"

The four friends couldn't hold their laughter any longer, even Susan had cracked at that. She had just been reminded why they could never pull any pranks at home, the adults in their lives were all too smart.

Lily knew she had nailed it so pushed ahead, reckoning that hearing the children laugh was worth a few moments of her lesson. "Frogs into handsome princes is more transfiguration than charms, I'll be sure to pass the information on to my husband though."

She glanced toward a certain four Slytherins who could all imagine how that conversation would go, Prongs and Padfoot would be proud of them. Professor Lily Potter then regained control of her class and delivered an excellent lesson on how to be charming without a prince in sight.

After the lesson was over, a certain quartet of Slytherins hung back and Lily then received the hugs she had been craving earlier. She also had some words with a certain young lady. "Susan Bones, do you remember the trouble you caused the last time you pulled that prank? A certain Mrs Perks was on the phone to me because Sally-Ann kept kissing every frog in their garden pond. Are you telling me they fell for that tale at Hogwarts?"

Neville was smiling as he recalled what led up to that prank. "I remember that now. Sally-Ann had seen Harry flatten those bullies who hit Hermione at St Andrews. She wanted Harry to be her boyfriend and followed us about everywhere."

Susan was now joking and batting her eyes suggestively at Harry while a laughing Hermione had her arm possessively around his waist. "Get your own prince charming Bones. Our Sue here told Sally-Ann that's what she had to do, and then proceeded to tell her exactly how to do it."

Lily was now laughing along with the kids, though it had hardly been funny at the time. "Her poor mother was distraught, had visions of Sally-Ann covered from head to toe in warts. Wait until I tell James and Sirius, you know they're going to be so proud of you."

It was four happy friends who eventually left the charms class, only to discover a very unhappy Lavender Brown waiting on them.

"How could you do that to me? You told me a complete pack of lies and now everyone thinks I'm a complete fool."

Susan was unrepentant though. "It might have escaped your memory Lavender but I distinctly remember saying this was a very embarrassing story and must be kept as a secret. You didn't keep it a secret and I was proven correct, it is a very embarrassing story for you. Though I will say this, I'm totally impressed the story made it all the way to Hufflepuff in such a short space of time. You certainly possess some of the finest gossiping skills I've ever seen."

They walked away and left a young Gryffindor who was quite pleased with the high praise she'd just received, that was until Lavender remembered the entire school now thought she was an idiot. She'd set herself up for a confrontation with Susan and ended up forgetting all about it, how the hell did that happen?


A/N: Hi guys. I am so excited today. ITS MY BIRTHDAY!! so yeah, i turn 12 today and ill probably update again later today.

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