Chapter 59

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At breakfast next morning, Dudley was probably the most popular student inside Hogwarts. To those with a muggle background, he was their link to a world they didn't see for ten months of the year. He received many requests for what should be broadcast on the screen. To those of a magical background, this was no ordinary muggle. Here was the person who would help bring professional Quidditch right into the great hall of Hogwarts. After watching how the system worked with a school game, they couldn't wait to see how the pros looked close up and in slow motion replay.

Dudley and Luna had slotted right back into the way the six had always been, this finally dispelled any lingering doubts that the separation would affect their relationships with each other. They all walked with Remus and the Grangers to the edge of the wards, Luna was staying in Crawley tonight.

Dan and Emma were hugging the four staying behind for all they were worth, they also missed their house filled with the laughter of children. There were no tears though as the port key took half the group away, their mirrors would keep them in touch until they got together again at Christmas. The four young Slytherins walked back to the castle, they'd had quite the weekend.


Severus Snape was also having quite the weekend, his first outside Azkaban in almost a decade. The little cottage at Spinners End was not in the best of shape but it was a virtual palace compared to his recent accommodation. Just the absence of Dementors was enough for Severus to almost break out in a smile, almost.

With what little money he had squirreled away, Severus had managed to purchase some potions ingredients in order to improve his health. Being able to brew a potion again was certainly improving his wellbeing, he just needed to get better fast. Severus had seen what was happening inside Azkaban and was amazed he made it out alive, Barty Crouch was certainly one to hold a grudge. His aim now was to get well enough so he could then get as far away from Britain as possible, this potion would be the first step. Severus almost spilled the cauldron when he heard the voice behind him.

"Oh Severus, what have they done to you my boy?"

"Albus? What the fuck are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I would forget about you now, did you?"

In the last ten years, Severus had probably been as lonely and had as little human contact as Albus Dumbledore. That didn't mean he was keen to catch up on old times with his former headmaster.

"Just you being here could see me back in Azkaban by tonight..."

"Don't worry my boy, no one else knows about your little love nest. We'll be safe here..."

"We? What the fuck is this we? There is no we!"

"Now Severus, calm down. We have work to do."

The newly released prisoner was in shock at the old fool's audacity. Albus took this silence as agreement and continued with his ravings, he really didn't require much encouragement.

"With both the Potter and Longbottom boys now in Hogwarts, Voldemort is sure to make a play for them. Even without the prophecy, he'll want to kill both boys. We need to be there..."

Severus regained his voice and used it to try and force some sense into the old wizard. "The dark lord is dead. I was there and saw him destroyed before I passed out, he's not coming back no matter who is at Hogwarts."

"Oh Severus, don't be so naive..."

"Naive? Oh I was certainly naive, that's how I ended up between two manipulative bastards. I spent ten years in Azkaban because of that naivety. Those ten years totally cured me of that affliction. Take whatever scheme you're working on and get out of my house."

A Different HalloweenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя