Chapter 53

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Sirius almost choked on his lunch as Lily told them what had happened in charms class this morning.

"James, you have to transfigure something into a frog at their transfiguration lesson tomorrow. Lily, it should be easy to come up with a potion that requires part of a frog. Love, all I know about astronomy is that it's taught by a beautiful professor and there's a dog star up there somewhere. Please tell me there's something in the sky related to frogs?"

Aurora appeared to think for a moment before answering her husband. "Well I could point them toward the planet Kermit, but I don't know how many of them would understand the reference."

Sirius was now chuckling like mad as he kissed Joy on the top of her head. His daughter giggled at her silly daddy as she enjoyed sitting on her godmother's knee.

Lily though was shaking her head in mock indignation. "Oh I do hope my goddaughter takes her inelegance from her mother." She then spoke directly to Joy, ensuring that everyone could hear though. "Daddy is so silly, imagine believing that anyone would name a planet after a muppet."

It was time to face a crestfallen Sirius Black again and try to hold her laugh in. "There is no planet Kermit Sirius."

The marauder looked from his daughter, to Lily before finally settling on his wife. "You pranked me?"

Joy decided it was time to use the new skill her daddy had taught her. Giggling happily, she clapped her hands at silly daddy. This was met with howls of laughter from all along the staff table, or rather Sirius' reactions to his daughter's antics were.


Dean was about to enter his dorm when he suddenly discovered his feet no longer reached the ground. This phenomenon was not caused by someone casting spells on him, in fact no magic was used at all. Instead, a redheaded twin on either side of him had lifted the boy up by his arms. They made off with their shocked prize to the third year dorm before putting him back on his feet once more.

Dean couldn't tell the twins apart, that they kept finishing each other's sentences certainly didn't help the lad with that almost impossible task.

"Mr Thomas, welcome to our office. We would like a quick word with you."

"Rumour has it that you have been given a unique opportunity to assist Gryffindor with its very reason for existing."

"Namely, to prank the Slytherins."

"We would like you to take a few things we'll supply..."

Dean could see what was coming and decided to put a stop to this right now. "No. Not a chance, never going to happen."

The twins were surprised at the strength of their young housemate's refusal to help. George attempted to clear any misunderstanding. "Perhaps we haven't explained this well enough, the honour of Gryffindor house is at sake here..."

Dean was unimpressed by this line of argument, quickly countering it with one of his own. "I'll tell you exactly what's at stake here, my continued ability to watch the Hammers while living in this castle. I was a West Ham supporter long before I ever heard of Gryffindor, and I'll be a West Ham supporter long after I leave Hogwarts. On this subject my loyalties are crystal clear. I will not ruin my only chance to watch football inside Hogwarts so you two can pull a few pranks on Slytherin."

Fred was distinctly unimpressed with this less than helpful attitude being shown by a first year. "So it doesn't matter to you that they made a laughing stock of a Gryffindor, one of your fellow first years?"

Dean poured scorn all over that suggestion. "Who in their right mind would believe that a frog could turn into a man, with a bloody kiss too! That's a children's fairy story."

Fred couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You have heard of animagus? A witch or wizard who can turn themselves into an animal."

Dean was extremely sceptical about this as the other twin continued.

"The headmistress can change into a cat, Professor James Potter is a stag while Professor Sirius Black is registered as a large black dog. You can check in the library, there's a list of all animagus who are registered with the ministry."

"You expect me to believe that?"

Fred could only shrug his shoulders. "Ask your friends if you don't believe us. Harry himself told us his dad's nickname is 'Prancer' because Hermione didn't know the difference between a stag and a reindeer."

George was chuckling at the memory. "He also told us she was two when she said it, and that's the last time she was wrong about something."

This placated Dean slightly, on the animagus issue at least. "I'll think about talking to them but it's a definite no to pranking the Slytherin dorm. Professor Black will be there to..."

Dean never got the chance to say another word. With a precision the military would have been proud off, both twins had Dean once more in motion as they rushed him down the staircase to his own dorm.

Fred was now ranting. "Dean, forget we even mentioned this..."

"Mentioned what, oh brother of mine. I have no idea what you are talking about. Who is this first year anyway?"

Dean's feet touched down outside his own dorm as the Weasley twins hurriedly made their way back up the stairs. He couldn't help but wonder what the twins knew about Professor Black that scared them off.


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