Chapter 63

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A/N: Hi! I'm finally back after my writer's block. I hope this update will be able to brighten up your day! We're finally approaching the end of this story. Just few more chapters to go:)


Dan slowly emerged from the stunner imposed darkness to discover that he was in some kind of hospital, and both his girls were sitting fretting by his bedside. He attempted a reassuring smile but could only manage a grimace, absolutely everything hurt like the devil. "What happened?"

Emma was so relieved she couldn't help but smile, seeing her husband once more back with them. She held his hand before answering his question. "The Weasley twins tried to pull a prank on the whole school, they didn't take into account there were people without magic present."

The concern in Dan's voice was instant and unmistakable. "Was Dudley affected?"

"He's in the bed next to you but hasn't stirred yet."

This almost had Dan crying, one of the boy's he considered a son was going to wake up to this amount of pain. A single glance at his daughter though had his thoughts going in a different direction, Dan hadn't been head hunted by PMP because he was stupid. He addressed his next remark directly to Hermione. "Can I assume the twins have had the error of their ways pointed out to them?"

She hung her head and only nodded in answer.

"What happened sweetie?"

"Luna and me had our lightsabers with us, we set about the twins with them."

Dan was really trying not to laugh at that image, he rightly reckoned any laughter at the moment would be very painful for him. Dan knew that Hermione and Harry's control could slip when they were very angry but this didn't sound too bad, nor like the entire story either if he was reading Hermione's demeanour right. "What else happened?"

Hermione fought back the tears at the next bit but a few still leaked out. "Their brother Percy jumped in to defend their actions. He basically said non magicals had no business being inside Hogwarts in the first place, I'm sorry but I kinda lost it then dad."

Wondering just how bad this could be, Dan waited for Hermione to tell the rest.

"I acted like a spoilt little bitch, taking her ball back when she didn't want to play anymore. I told the entire hall that if you and Dudley weren't welcome here, then neither was all the work you do for them. I blasted the big screen into tiny pieces!"

At that Hermione could no longer hold back the tears and her father opened his arms to her. It was painful when she hugged him but comforting Hermione was his top priority here.

"Hermione love, your dad will be sore..."

"Oh, I wasn't thinking, Sorry dad I ..."

She was cut off from saying anymore by Harry's arms wrapping around her as she drew comfort from him now. "All those people were coming to watch the match this afternoon too. I've embarrassed myself, the school and my family."

Dan could only smile at the young couple before looking to James for some answers, he wasn't disappointed.

"Our girl did us proud Dan, before getting caught up in the moment. Remus left to fetch a new Danovision screen, he and Sirius should have had it fitted long before the quidditch people turned up. Miss Granger's pocket money is going to take a hit for a while though."

Everyone saw the wink James gave at the last remark, everyone but Hermione that is. She was too busy flying into his arms.

"Oh Uncle James, you're the best! I was so worried how I was going to face our friends again, and of course I'm willing to pay for the screen I destroyed."

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