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You woke with a pillow on your face.
"Ughpf." You groan as you roll over and burry your face in the duvet.
Another pillow flys at you and lands on your back; you groggily squint around and see Newt sat in the corner with a notepad and pen, writing and absentmindedly throwing pillows at you.
"Oi, Mr-I'm-going-to-wake-my-girlfriend-supremely-early-by-throwing-pillows-at-her, what are you doing?"
"I'm waking my girlfriend supremely early by throwing pillows at her." He said it without looking up but you saw the corners of his mouth twitch upward.
"Leave me alone." You moan, flopping onto the bed as another pillow sails over your head.
After a few minutes of this you grumble "Are you ever going to run out of pillows?"
He throws another in response.
"Ugh!" You groan again as you snuggle under the covers to avoid getting whacked in the face for the third time.

When no pillows attack you for five whole minutes you peer over the covers just in time to see Newt rushing over to you, a smirk plastered across his face.
"Newt whatever your going to do it probably won't be good for your leg and ooff--" He cut you off as he flopped on top of you, knocking the air out of you
"Newt!" You squeal, pretending to be annoyed; you attempt to squirm out from under him but his body kept you firmly in place.
"What are you on!?" You whine, trying to hide a smile.
"Struggling is pointless love, I've got you now." He smirked
"Oh no!" you cry dramatically "Whatever shall I do? I, a helpless damsel! You, a tough roughen!" He chuckles and pecks you lightly on the nose.
"You gutta wake up." He said in a sing song voice
"In case you haven't noticed but I'm already awake."
"Really?" He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Yes," you confirm "this blonde dude kept chucking pillows at me then invaded my person space by pinning me to the bed."
"Did he now?" Newt asked, raising his eyebrows "And may I ask who this 'blonde dude' is?"
"Well, he's very tall, blue eyes, he's also quite cute but he's got a pimple on his chin."
"I do not!" He exclaimed, hands going straight to his chin, loosing his grip on you completely.
"No, you don't." You laugh as you effortlessly roll over and pin his hands either side of his head.
"Got you." You whispered in his ear.
"That you have." he replied, shuffling slightly so you slid up his body, straddling his chest.
You raise your eyebrows at him.
He mearly shrugs and smirks.
You roll your eyes at him and let go of his hands, still lying on him, you wrap your arms around his chest and legs round his waist.

"Can't stay like this forever, Y/n." his hands slide over your back.

"Ugh but I want to." You drawled.

"Y/n, you didn't go to work yesterday and you haven't eaten, go get food."

After a second you notice something off and exclaim "Newt! You're really hot!"
He licks his finger, holds it out and makes a sizzling sound.
"I'm being serious! Come here." You push his shirt up slightly as his hands dart to stop yours.
You stare at his bare chest and gasp at what you see.
In the light, you see his chest littered with tiny cuts. 

---Update!!! sorry if it was bad..... but you've got the authors note, right!
Please comment bc you make my day honestly x
Love you and stay safe, bye Noses :) ---

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