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Felix came back around four hours later.
It was difficult to gauge time from inside the cage but by the angle of the newly-risen sun you guessed it to be about seven o'clock.
You were sprawled out on the floor of your cage, given up on trying to break through the wooden floor and roof or the metal bars. They were unyielding.

"Having fun, sweetheart?" He asked as he stepped out into your little clearing.
"I'm having the time of my life. I'll be sure to leave a review on Trip Adviser 'four stars for the accommodation, would have been five but the terrible hosting, lack of food and the fact that it's a freaking cage pushed the rating down'."
He chuckled and stepped up to your cage, eye level with you.
The playfulness that normally danced behind his irises was gone, replaced by cold hard bitterness.
You almost felt sorry for him. Must be those maternal caring genes the creators forgot to inject out of you.
"Would you care for a drink?" He gestured to the glass he was holding.
"Is it traitor flavour?" You inquired.
"Suit yourself." He shrugged and downed the drink in one gulp.
"I never said I didn't want it." You grumbled.
Pushing yourself from the floor took a surprising amount of energy.

Felix leaned his elbows on the part of the cage that jutted out under the bars and put his chin on his knuckles, surveying you as if you were a lab specimen.
"Have they noticed I'm gone?" You asked dully, picking at the rusty padlock with your nails as you folded your legs under you.
"Oh yeah," He grinned "Going out of their minds. Again"
"Take me back." You growled, leaning forward so your noses were practically touching through the gap in the bars.
"Or what?" He sneered
"Or I'll scream and crash around until some one comes for me!" You yelled.
Quick as a flash he suck his arm into the cage and grabbed your hair, pulling you forward by the handful of strands twisted around his slender fingers he pressed the side or your face against the bars and put his face so close to yours that you could feel his hot breath on your cheek.
"No one's coming for you." He spat "You're a mistake, nobody can hear you, they aren't coming to rescue you so slim your childish fantasies and shut up before I make you regret it." He gave your hair a sharp tug causing you to let a yelp of pain escape your gritted teeth "Understood?"
"Understood." You whimpered.
"Good girl." He growled, "If I could have it my way I would kill you here and now then drag your worthless body back to the Glade to show everyone just how easy it is for me to eliminate those who don't do as I ask."

"Then why don't you?" You snapped "Why don't you kill me and take me back so the others can see just what kind of man you really are." This wasn't Felix. You knew it wasn't, but the bitterness  that came from looking at him now astounded you.
"Little Newtie's going out of his mind," He slipped his finger down your cheekbone "Who knows what he might do."
"Let me out." Your voice was quivering, rage flying through your vains like bullets from a gun.
"Sorry sweetheart. No can do."
"You let me out of here right now!" You screamed, grabbing handfuls of his shirt and smashing his face against the bars of the cage.
He was so stunned he didn't even try to break away.

"You listen here you little shank, you're gunna let me out of here and you're gunna take me back to Newt. Get it?" Your foreheads were pressed against each other's, fingers gripping at the sweaty material of his shirt.
"You don't know what it's like." He hissed "They control me. I can't do anything. I just do what I have to do."
You raised your face to his and to your surprise found tears swimming in his entrancing eyes.

"Forgive me." He whispered.
Then you blacked out.

---This. Was. Eck.
not really feeling too good right now so i'm sorry x
it will be explained more later and sorry for any mistakes and i dont know how long it is yada yada yada
your comments are honestly life :D
I love you so very much, please remember to be safe, bye Noses :) ---

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