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He stared to you in shock.
"What--Wait, it's Newt-- Y/n, stop playing." he stammers, taking a step forward.
"I'm sorry," you reply, taking a step back "I don't recognise you."
"Y/n, what did the creators do to you?" Minho said sharply
"I don't know!" You exclaim helplessly, turning around to face him. He opens his mouth to say something but Newt intercepts
"I think you should go."
"What?" You ask, taken aback
"Go." He says, his voice sounded strangled and horse. You stare at him but whatever he's feeling he doesn't show it.
You barrel out of the room and run across the Galde, Minho calling your name but you ignore him. You throw yourself to the ground beside the slammer and heave a soaked breath as tears race down your cheeks. You don't even know why you're crying; you didn't even remember Newt but that was obviously what was causing you so much pain. He must have been a big part of your life before if you still felt like this.
"So what they're saying is true, hu?" Said a voice behind you, you turn to see a boy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes looking at you through the bars of the door.
"What is who saying?" You snivel, wiping tears from your eyes and shuffling around so you sat cross legged in front of the door.
"Everyone. They're saying you can't remember Newt."

"It's not my fault!" you exclaim "And for the record, I have no idea who you are, Mr Muscles."

"Ha ha very funny." the boy says, then looks at your face and realises you aren't joking "Oh shucks! Well hi. I'm Gally." He says, reaching through the bars to shake your hand. You giggle slightly and take his hand.
"So," you ask "Did I know you well before?"
"Sort of." He says, an expression flitting across his face far too fast for you to read it.
He releases your hand.
"So why are you in the Slammer?" you ask.
"For doing something stupid." He says bitterly
"What was it?" You ask quietly.
"I can't tell you."
"Why not?"
"I just can't!"
"Okay, sorry I asked." You say, rising from the ground.
"No I'm sorry, don't go." He says quickly, grabbing onto the hem of your shirt; with a slight sigh you sit back down just as Minho comes jogging out from around the corner.
"She doesn't remember me so slim it." Gally immediately says, looking at Minho with eyes so full of unspoken meaning Minho glares at him.
"Don't even think about it ya shank." Minho says as he unlocks the door "If you try anything you're going straight back in."
"Yes sir." Gally says; voice dripping with sarcasm.
Gally walks off in one direction and Minho in the other and on a split second decision you follow Gally.
As you fall into step beside him a tiny smile plays across his lips. After walking in silence for a few minutes he suddenly blurts out "You're a builder."
"Cool. Was I good?" You ask, only then realising that work had slipped completely from your mind.
"Extremely good."
"Okay so-- how do you know!?"
"Because I'm the keeper of the Builders."
"Ah," you say "Explains the muscles."
He smirks slightly but averts his gaze to the ground to cover it up.

You spend the rest of the day working, playing a memory game with Gally as you built, coming to the conclusion that all you'd forgotten was Newt, Gally and the meaning of hard work.
As it began to darken you bid Gally goodnight and made your way to your room.
When you got there the room felt strangely cold, as if no one had slept or even set foot in it for quite a while. You pull on your night clothes and slide into bed, trying to find comfort in the stiff sheets and your empty body.

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