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You'd been in the Glade for a month and were starting to get used to it, however still had trouble sleeping as the only girl surrounded by so many boys. You slip out of your hammock and softly pad across the Glade to the patch of daisies near Newt's room. You sat down, the dew of the grass sliding across your legs making you shiver; your fingers ripping small strands of grass from the earth as you tilted your head back, cool air rushing past your face. Suddenly the door to Newt's room smashed open. Newt came staggering out, he didn't have a shirt on and his back was glistening with sweat, he ran a shaky hand through his hair and tried to calm his ragged breathing.

"Uh, Newt, are you okay?" You rose tentatively.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine, fine." He said, straightening up and looking at you. It sounded like he was trying to convince himself as well as you.
"What happened?" You whispered, your bare feet flattening the grass under them as you walked towards him.
"Nothing. Just a nightmare." His breathing was still shaky.
"Okay, you okay now?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." You caught his wrist in your hand, his wide eyes flicked to yours, his arm relaxed slightly as you pulled him gently in the direction of his room.

Your hand dropped from his as he lead you up a flight of stairs and opened the door to his bedroom. He sat awkwardly on the edge of his bed and you waited in silence for a few moments.

You whispered through the darkness, "I should go."

"Stay." Came his instant reply.

You stalled. His hair was a mess, curls falling over his face as you saw an outline of him lie down. You tentatively walked over to his bed and gently lay next to him, your back pressed against his. You felt his arm shift as he brushed his fingers against yours.

"Thank you." He whispered.


"Woah! looks like something happened in here last night!" you hear someone yell, "Alby, Gally, come look at this!" You heard footsteps as you groggily rubbed sleep out of your eyes.
"Minho what th-- what the hell, y/n, what are you doing in here?" You looked at the doorway to see Minho  leaning smugly against the door, Gally looking totally lost and Alby staring at you in disbelief. You knew you should defend yourself and come back with a sassy and original comeback so you settled on the brilliant: "Hmghf what, yeah hang on." Minho burst out into a new fit of laughter and even Alby smirked slightly.

"Hey Y/n I thought--" Newt said, stepping out of his bathroom, he stopped and looked at the boys in the doorway, "what are you doing here?" he asked, genuinely curious about why his three best friends were standing in his bedroom doorway laughing at the girl still half asleep in his bed.

He looked from you to Minho, Gally and Alby then back at you again and then seemed to get it, "Get your heads out of the gutter you awful boys, we were up late talking and fell asleep," he lied so effortlessly, "anyway, y/n do you want to borrow one of my T-shirts? It's a little colder this morning than it was last night." You looked down at your self and realised that you were wearing the shorts you had slipped into last night but your top half was only concealed by a tank top. Blushing and mattering a small "thanks" you took the shirt he handed you and slipped it on.The tips of your hair brushed the material and you knew they'd smell like him later. You got out of bed and Minho wolf whistled as you stumbled into Newt. You threw a pillow at him but it hit the door frame.

"Come on guys lets go get breakfast." Newt mumbled, clearly keen to get everyone out of his room and off the current topic.

He walked towards the door however Gally stood unmoving in his way, Newt raised an eyebrow but Gally's eyes stayed fixed on you, as if trying to figure something out. He flitted his gaze away and moved to the side as you walked down the stairs for breakfast.

---Part 2 maybe.....? Xxx---

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