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"How did this happen?" You whisper, running your hand down his chest, fingers bearly brushing his scared skin.
He didn't meet your eyes.
You gently put your hand on his cheek and forced him to look at you "how did this happen?" You asked again, your voice shaking. You'd never seen him shirtless in the daylight before.
"Just from where I fell over things." He muttered, suddenly finding the sheets of utmost interest.
"Who did this to you? You asked, eyes still fixed on the slashes across his chest.
"The floor." He mumbled.
"Newt, tell me. Who did this?"
He hesitated before looking you straight in the eye and in bearly more than a whisper chocked out "Me."
You could do nothing but stare.
"I hated it here," he continued "I didn't want to have to continue." He paused as a sob raked through his body.
You both looked at each other through glassy eyes as tears splashed down your cheeks.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into you, stroking his hair as he cried into you.
All the emotions he'd been bottling up for god knows how long spilled out of him; he clutched at you as if you were anchoring him to reality, the only thing keeping him sane.
Seeing him like this broke something inside of you.

After a forever spent in Newt's embrace quietly crying on his shoulder as he cried on yours you pulled back ever so slightly so you could look into his red eyes. Tears hung from his thick eyelashes and you wiped gently under his eyes with the pad of your thumb.
"You are beautiful Newt." You state simply. He opens his mouth but you cut him off "Yes, I know, 'boys can't be beautiful' but you, Newt, you're an exception. You are beautiful inside and out and not a day goes by that I don't wonder what I did to deserve you." You confess, out lining each of the jagged scars on his chest.
"You don't deserve me. You deserve someone better. Someone so much better." He whispered, fingers lightly caressing your face as if you were the most beautiful thing he'd ever laid eyes on.
"Well that 'better person' better get over it quickly because I'm staying right here." You said, wrapping your arms around his neck and resting your forehead against his.
"Good." He replied.
He pressed his over-heated lips against your slightly chapped ones and kissed you, the taste slightly saline from the tears that had ran over your lips.

---I'm sorry if this was rubbish, i am insanely tired. Idk if this is short so yeah sorry x
Please comment bc i live for them <3
Love you and stay safe, bye Noses :) ---

Mine - A Newt ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now