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You began running.
The faster runners at the front and the less able ones at the back. You and Newt jogged side by side at a steady pace, hands occasionally brushing against each other in the reminder that he was still there without you having to look.

Your thumb absentmindedly twisted the ring around your finger, enjoying the feel of it circling the joint.

Nobody spoke as you ran, everyone was too caught up in their own thoughts. The sound of the soles of fifty desperate people rang out across the Maze. The Gladers' breath twisted in tendrils around your ears as you tried to stay focused on running.
After what seemed like forever putting one foot in front of the other your throat started to close up. You were dehydrated, tiered and the back of your throat felt like someone was rubbing sandpaper on it.
"Okay everyone, time for a rest. Not a long one though so don't get too comfortable." Alby called to which half the Glad gladly collapsed to the ground.

You staggered over to a wall and slumped against it, fingers subconsciously picking at a small weed the grew from the cracks in the stone.
Newt walked over to and sat beside you. He offered you a canteen of water of which you gladly took. You brought the brim to your mouth and took a long drink allowing at liquid to slosh around your mouth and soothe your throat.
"You okay, love?" Newt asked as you handed the flask back to him.
"Yeah. I'm fine." You rested your head on his shoulder and he soothed your hair back from where it stuck to your neck and jaw like paint.

"I just can't believe we're doing it." You whispered, looking out at the Gladers laughing and panting. All of you the same: beautiful and broken and scared and alive.
"I know, after so long in the Glade, I'm kind of frightened for what the rest of the world is like." Newt confessed. You furrowed your brow and he continued: "Well I was just thinking, what if the rest of the world is even worse than the Glade." 

You furrowed your brows at the idea.

Not long after you began running. Your muscles seared and your breath came in short untamed rasps. As you neared a corner the runners came to a sharp stop, crouching down and gesturing for quiet.

"Okay everyone, you all got weapons?" Minho whispered. You all raised your weapons in the air and nodded.
"Okay," His mouth was set in a thin line, "When we go out there, we scream and charge and kill everything that isn't human. Newt and y/n will go ahead into the Cliff and open a door. I've told Newt what to do so y/n, just keep him safe." There were a few chuckles as you winked at Newt.
"As for the rest of you shanks," Minho continued "good luck."


"Maybe you should push the button!" You cried frantically.
"Oh right." Newt slammed his fist down on a big red button just as Gally shot down the pipe and landed in a heap on the dusty floor.
"The others are coming. What's left of us anyway. We were shucking massacred." His shoulder was oozing blood. He put his hand up to it and winced.
The remaining Gladers shot down onto the floor in quick succession.
"Where's Ash?" You asked as you helped Minho up.
"Dead." He spat, "A Giever got him and there was nothing I could do. He's dead, y/n. Dead."
"Oh Minho, I'm so sorry." You wrapped your arms around him as he clung to you.
Your embrace was only brief as he brushed you off quickly to address the others.
"Come on shuckfaces. Through the door we go."

After seeing Minho, one of the strongest people you knew, inwardly collapse, you realised something.
People are not like snow or rain or autumn leaves. They do not look beautiful when they finally fall.

The door lead to a white room. You suddenly felt very small and dirty. The dirt in your hair clinging to the roots and mud under you fingernails seemed to stand out stark in this spotless room.
"There's a door." Gally called.
As one you stepped towards it. Just as it swung open.
"No way." You breathed. It was suddenly difficult to talk.

Through the door walked a dead man.
"Hello y/n. I've missed you." Felix smirked.

--- Extra long update because I haven't updated in ages. But I do have an excuse!! I've been ill and had about 83837292973838292928382
exams all in about four days which kinda stressed me out. Please keep commenting because they honestly do make me so happy <3

Not really sure about this update though I wrote it really fast so just ignore any mistakes
I love you all so much and you are insanely beautiful, bye Noses :) ---

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