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You could hear him behind you, his swearing muffled by the blood coming from his nose. Your breath came in short pants as you desperately wove between the trees. He was so much faster than you, you'd never make it to the glade in time. Just as the sun shone into view you felt a tug on the back of your shirt and you fell to the floor, your head smacking against a rock.


You woke up in a clean bed with nice smelling sheets.

'My bed doesn't smell like this' you thought to yourself. You opened your eyes to find yourself in the Med Jacks room. You flinched as everything came flooding back
"Good to see our sleeping beauty has finally awoken." You looked to your right to see Minho smiling at you
"Hi." you managed to croak
"Shuck y/n, you sound nearly as bad as you look!" he spoke the words softly but the sarcastic Minho that you knew and loved crept in. You reached up to touch your head to find it heavily incased in a bandage. That was vexing.

"Newt's been going out of his mind with worry." He grimaced.
"How long have I been unconscious?"
"Couple days."
"You mean I haven't showered in days!?" You ask, completely appalled. Minho burst out laughing and it took a full four minutes for him to calm down.
"Oh shucks, you've been unconscious for days sending poor Newt nearly over the edge, and you want me to clarify that your hair isn't up to modeling standards?"
"Minho! Wait, what did you say about Newt?"
"Oh yeah, the poor bloke hardly left your side. Didn't sleep for days, had to physically carry him to bed."
"Can I see him." You ask eagerly, starting to rise out of bed
"Woah woah woah," Minho said, pushing you back down "You stay there, I'll go get him." He heaved himself out of his chair and you heard him go down the stairs.

Not even a minute later you heard frantic footsteps and Newt burst into your room,
"Y/n! You're alright! oh god Gally's still in the slammer and I thought you were- I thought you weren't going to wake up."

"It's okay newt, I'm okay."

"I know, I know." He said soothing your hair behind your ear, "God Y/n you scared me so much." 

"I'm okay, I'm okay." you whispered, your hand reaching up to touch his. He held your gaze for a second before pushing his lips quickly against yours.

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