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"The Maze!? Are you out of your mind!? I thought we were in the forest!" You stopped walking and stared incredulously at the boy in front of you.
"We are. Of sorts." He shifted "A forest inside the Maze."
"Brilliant." You spat "How come Minho never found it?"
"I don't know, the Creators told me about it. To be honest, I'm pretty confused, it's hazy."

"Felix, how did you break away?" You asked curiosity, eyeing him up and down.
"Ah, well, I- I umm-"
"Felix." You interrupted him "Spit it out."
He mumbled something incoherent and you raised your eyebrows.
"They-they told me to-" His voice broke, dragging the palm of his hand down his face, rubbed his eyes and pinched the bridge if his nose.
"What did they make you do Felix?" You whispered, placing your hand gently on his shoulder.
He raised his wet eyes to yours.
"They made me take my blood."

"They what?"

"Take my blood." He drew his shirt over his head in one swift movement to reveal a washboard stomach and perfectly toned abs. But that wasn't what made you gasp.
Snaking down his six pack was a jagged white scar, lightly, with the very tips of your fingers, you ran your hand down the slashed mark.
"Oh my god Felix." You chocked out "How many times did they make you do this?"
"I don't know, sometimes I was awake, sometimes I wasn't. I just remember digging the knife in, and then pain. Jeez, a hell load of pain. They made me pour it in a metal cup and add some purple stuff to it. I don't know. I'm sorry angel, so sorry." He was crying now, fingers digging into your hips.

"Felix listen to m-- wait, what did you say they made you pour your blood into?"
"A metal cup," He shook "Then they made me add some purple liquid to it."
"Oh my god." Your face turned ashen.
"What? Princess, tell me, what did I do?"
"Felix you, you forced me to drink it." You shuddered, the horror of what he'd made you do only now truly sinking in.
All colour drained from his face as he stared at you.

"Felix you need to listen to me. That wasn't you. You can't keep blaming yourself for things you did when you couldn't control. Okay?" You felt sick. You guessed it was a way for them to drug you the same way they did Felix. You felt even sicker.

He pulled you to him, a much gentler gesture than he's shown the last few days.
He planted a soft kiss on the top of your head and held you at arms length.
"Ready to go kick some griever butt then get the hell back to the Glade?"
"Hell yeah."


You stood facing the Maze entrance.
"So nobody ever found this?" You ask in awe.
"Looks like it. Come on."
You jogged into the Maze.
The sound of your bare feet slapping against the numbing ground echoed off the walls and reverberated around you causing a continuous slapping noise on replay in your mimd.
After about half an hour of running a question popped into your mind.
"How is it you know where you're going?" You panted.
"I don't know." He shrugged, leading you around yet another corner "I've just got a feeling that this is the right way."

Around two hours later you stopped, leaning against the wall for support.
"Felix," You managed "Can we rest for a little while?"
"Oh yeah sure." He said, walking back toward you and sitting on the ground; you slid down the wall and rested your head on his shoulder, breath coming in uneven panting gasps.
"I can't believe we're going back." You rasped.
He didn't answer, only patted your leg gently.

"Alrighty, I think I'm ready." You heaved yourself off the ground and dusted yourself off.
You began running again, falling into step without a word.
Arms pumping and legs working overtime your muscles seared with the sheer effort of running after so long with minimal food.

You raced around a corned and skidded to a halt.
Legs clamped to parallel walls, suspended in the air above you like a terrifying circus act, was a Griever.

---wat. what is going on with my updates!?!?!? wheres Newt!?!? worry not, my faithful companions, he will be in the next chapter or defiantly the one after that
sorry for mistakes i wrote this VERY late at night in a sleep deprived state.
keep on commenting bc you make me smile <3
my mum is rushing me so there is probably tons of mistakes bUT ITS FINALLY SUNNY
love you so incredibly much please stay as safe as you can, bye noses :) ---

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