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You started to sprint towards him.
Desperate to have the blonde haired boy back in your arms.
Your hair whipped past you in a frenzy of tangles and your feet pounded painfully against the stone as you willed yourself to keep running. When you were only a few meters away the ache lessened to a dull throb as all your attention was filled with Newt.

The sounds of the Gladers shouting and hollering in relif and happiness welcomed you back to the Glade as your toes found crisp grass.
You ran straight past all of them right into the arms of the boy you loved.
Your lips collided before you did; smashing against each other, immediately moving with a burning passion as he lifted you up and spun you around, lips still connected. For the first time since you'd been taken you felt complete.

You smiled against his lips before happiness overtook and you couldn't kiss for laughing so hard. He set you down at arms length and looked at you. 
"You took your time." He whispered.
"Sorry sunshine, traffic was murder." You grinned.
With that he threw back his head laughing and gathered you up in his strong arms and hugged you to his chest.

A cheer went up and the Gladers surged toward you,  yelling and laughing as you all formed one big group hug with you and Newt in its centre, laughing at the fact that you were exhausted and dirty and greasy and that these boys couldn't care less. They didn't give a damn about what the state of your hair was like, they were just glad to have you back with them and for that you loved them.

After what seemed like forever hugging and laughing with everyone, Newt always by your side, Alby stepped up.
"You gave us a right good scare, y/n."
"Glad to know you care."
"Aw, come here you." He smiled as you bounded into his arms.
"Right. Now onto the serious stuff."
Your heart missed a beat as you thought of Felix. You pushed him from your mind. 

"Okay! Keepers to the Council Room! We need a meeting, yes, Minho, Ashton can come, we need to tell y/n."
"Tell me what?" You raised your eyebrows.
"All in good time, angel." Newt promised, kissing the top of your head and leading you to the Council Hut.
"Wait!" You called, looked around "Where's Gally?"
"Hmmm, ah, I think that's him." Newt squinted around.

You peered to your left and saw a muscled boy with broad shoulders striding toward you across the Glade.
"Y/n." He called, then "Y/N!"
When he reached you he bundled you into his arms and held you against him, his face nestled in your hair.
"I was in the woods when I heard them shouting, I came as soon as I could." He murmured into your neck, his large hands cluching bundles of your blood splattered top.
You didn't say anyting but burried your face in his collar bone.

When you drew apart, Gally looking at you through watering eyes, Newt was immediately next to you, arm drapped around your shoulder.
"There's a meeting." He informed Gally "Y/n has got to tell us what the hell happened and we need to tell her about the thing."
"What the shuck is the 'thing'?" You cried in exasperation.
"You'll see." The boys smirked.


Once shut inside the privacy of the Council Hut you dragged a chair over next to Newt's and flopped down, only just realising how hungry and tried you were. And grimy. Even by the Glade standards you were pretty dirty.
"If I tell you y'all have to promise me a hot shower and heaps of pancakes." You looked around at the boys, silently daring them to contradict you about the pancakes.
"Consider it done." Alby said, waving his hand dismissively "Now spill."
So you told them.
The whole story.

When you got to Felix's death you chocked on your words, your throat closing up.
"It's okay, it's okay y/n, it's alright love." Newt whispered reassuringly in your ear, rubbing your back as you swallowed your grief and carried on.

"... And then Minho found me and took me back." You finished.
They were silent.
"You're one tough cookie." Frypan looked at you with admiration.
"Yes yes yes I'm a big strong girl who is totally mucky and in need of a small country worth of food but what about your news?" You asked impatiently, looking around expectantly.

Alby answered.
He jabbed a thumb at Minho and Ashton and said "These two shuckfaces think they've found a way out of here."

It was all you could do not a gape.

"The Maze isn't what we thought it was." Minho said gravely "It isn't monotonous. It's a code."

---Well then.
Y'all gunna eat pancakes and get cleaned and escape and nobody will die and you'll all live happily ever after. 
Yes i knowwwww this doesn't follow the plot of TMR exactly but just go with the flow
Your comments make me smile and tbh i dont think u know how nice and funny u are <3
I'm a 'lil tired bc i had a sleepover (whoo i have a tiny social life check me out) so this ain't to good. but oh well.
expect some steamy scenes in the next chapter. (steamy was a pun you'll soon see why)
I honestly love you so much and couldn't ask for better readers so please stay really safe, bye Noses :) ---

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