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His name skittered around your mind like a bee at a window.
You looked at Newt to comfort him but found his arms around you and his hands in your hair, pulling you flush against him. Your chests pushed against each other's as he pushed his lips to yours, kissing you roughly and passionately. His mouth moving hotly against your own, bruising your lips.

You didn't realise you were crying until Newt took your face in his hands and wiped away your tears with the pad of his thumb.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, soothing your hair.
You cried harder, burying your head into his chest.

Suddenly you felt strong arms wrap around you from behind. You started, surprised that there were still other people in bloody room.
Minho had is arms wrapped around you tightly. One around you, one around Newt.
"Chin up, y/n." he said gruffly, "As if I'd ever let anything happen to him."
As if your heart wasn't broken enough already.

"What's the catch?" Gally looked Ratman square in the eye.
"There is no catch." he said simply, "Newt and Kieran will be taken away after you've all been cleaned up and you'll never have to worry about them again."
"What's. The. Loophole? Look at your ratty little face, I know there is one." Minho ground out, furiously wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
Raman considered your group. A handful of broken and beaten and strong and alive teenagers. Had anyone ever felt as torn up as you did you'd yet to meet them.
"There is a way." He said doubtfully.

"There is a cure, a death cure if you will. In the middle of the desert. The first hundred cranks to reach the save haven get cured. The rest get killed. Kieran and Newt will be allowed to try for the cure but will have to leave right away."
"Well that's brilliant!" you exclaimed, so happy you could burst, "We can all travel across the desert, pick up with cure and be home free!"
"It's not quite that simple." Ratman steepled his fingers. "The journey can only be taken by an infected and will be very hard. Tens of thousands of cranks all willing to mindlessly kill and tear apart anyone who gets in the way of the cure. Most will die, some will get torn apart and others will be so past the Gone by the time they get there they'll have to be shot. As all in all your chances of survival are very slim, however, if you choose to come with us we can put you down quickly and painlessly. Make your decision." And with that the Creators got up and left the room, leaving you all in stunned silence.

You turned to your blonde haired boy, twisting your ring around your finger.
"You can't go. We'll find a way. Together. Like we do everything." Tears threatened to fall but you pushed them away, ignoring the sting in the back of your eyes.
"But, don't you want to abandon me?" Newt asked in barley a whisper.
"Why the hell would we want to do that?" You were utterly bewildered.
"Because I'm a monster..."
"Please," Minho waved a dismissive hand, "you fold your socks, forgive me if I'm not trembling at the sight of you."
Newt gave a shaky laugh and looked away.

He opened his mouth but before he could utter a single syllable Rat man called out to the group.
"Showers are ready. There are clean clothes and everything you dirty lot need to freshen up."
"Where's the love bro, where's the love?" Minho raised his eyebrows as he stepped through a door you hadn't seen before that lead onto an adjoining room.
You stepped over the threshold and were greeted by probably the cleanest shower cubicles you'd ever seen.

You stepped into one at the far end opposite Newt and next to Gally where the door immediately slid shut and locked. A screen appeared on the door with all the surviving Gladers names on. You selected yours and immediately a het of steamy water fell from the ceiling; you started but soon relaxed and let the water rush over you.
A white shelf made of the same smooth material the walls were made of slid out of the wall. On top of it was a bottle of shampoo, conditioner and body wash, the scent so overpowering it made your head spin.


You showered quickly and stood under the water, confused as to what to do next. As if sensing your confusion, the room shut off the water. You were left stood there, stark naked and starting to shiver. Just as you were beginning to wonder what was going to happen next when a blast of warm air hit you from all directions, drying you within seconds. Next, the same shelf your shampoo had been on slid back out with your clothes balanced, all very nearly folded and very clean. You'd been lucky to brush your hair in the Glade whereas here they had automatic showers and clean clothes.

You changed into the jeans and T-shirt they provided and pressed your hand to where you thought the door handle would go; the door slid open with a soft hiss and you stepped out, still marvelling at the technologies that WICKED had.
"Shucking brilliant, isn't it?" Minho grinned as he stepped out of his own cubicle.
"Tell me about it, you know, if the hadn't tried to kill us I might actually like them."
"That's all well and good y/n, but smell me. Come on, smell me. I smell wonderful."
"You still smell like boy." You laughed.
"Good that." He grinned.

You and Minho walked down the corridor into another white room filled with Gladers. They had all congregated around the snack table.
"Minho," you said slowly, "we were the last ones out, right?"
"Yeah." He replied, grabbing a chocolate bar and tearing off the wrapper, closing his eyes in pleasure as it melted in his mouth.
"Then where the hell is Newt." You were still surveying the crowd hoping Newt would somehow magically appear.
"You don't think he's gone to-" he cut himself off.
Ratman was striding toward you carrying a piece of paper.

"Newt wanted me to give you this." His voice was emotionless as he thrust the paper into your hands and walked briskly away.
You scanned Newt's letter once then read it in detail.
Then once more.
Tears pricked the back of your eyes as you silently handed the letter to Minho.
"He's gone." he said in disbelief after he had finished reading, "he's really bloody gone."

You twisted your ring around your finger.

--- I typed all if this up but just as I went to publish it stupid Wattpad deleted it all. Frowny face. Sorry it's not very good I've been kind of stressed and busy.

Instead of a normal chapter next time I will post 'Newt Imagine ||The Letter||' and aiming to make people cry.

You are amazing and beautiful and if nobody told you today: You deserve the world.

I love you so much and please stay safe, bye Noses :) ---

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