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"T- The- The Maze!?" You stammered.
"Yeah, the Maze." Minho affirmed gravely, elbows on knees, chin in hands.
"While we were running we came across a place we'd never seen before. So we explored. Needless to say we got more than we thought." Ashton carried on.
"Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Back up. Start from the beginning." You waved your hand and rested your head on Newt's shoulder, needing to be as close to him as possible.

Minho took a deep breath and began explaining.
He told you of how he and Ashton had come across a place they now called 'Blades' and found a Griever. A dead Griever. So upon seeing the dead monster they did what all boys would do in that situation. They stuck their hands in the goo.
Inside the Griever they found a key.
The key.
The key they think will help you all get out of this damned place for good.

"Right. Okay." You say after about half an hour of arguments, ideas and pointless plans you rub your temples.
"Oi!" You yell over the dull roar "I'm going to have a shower. While I'm in there somebody better bring me new clothes and Fry, dude, you better cook my up the most fabulous pancakes you can or someone's gunna loose a hand."
"And how are we going to loose our hands?" Newt gave you a crooked grin.
"I'm a blackbelt." Was your genius response.
"In what?" He raised his eyebrows.
"Even cooking?"
"Oh hell yeah baby. You should see the things I can do with a whisk."
"Get going ya shank." He laughed "I'll bring you your clothes."

You happily skipped off to the showers.
Once in there you peeled of your sweaty clothes and grabbed shampoo, conditioner, body wash and a body cloth from the pile and sidled into the shower, pulling the curtain shut behind you. Turning on the water you sighed contentedly, letting the water run down your skin and over the planes of your face.

You decided to tackle your body first; pouring the remains of the body wash onto the cloth and scrubbing fiercely at your skin in an attempt to rid yourself of the stench of grief and the stain of blood. You hummed happily as the warm water cascaded onto you, washing away everything but the here and now.

You ran your hands through your hair to try and yank out some knots but all it did was bring little squeaks of pain from your lips into the steamy shower stall. Lathering your hair in shampoo you rubbed it into your scalp and through your locks, working it into your knots then finally washing it out.
You heard the door open.
"Y/n? I've got your clothes." Newt's voice said from the doorway.
"Cheers, just leave them outside the curtain." You called back.
For a few seconds the sounds of Newt shuffling about filled the foggy air until only silence hung hand in hand with the humid atmosphere.

With no warning the shower curtain was ripped back.
You shrieked and grabbed for it, pressing it against yourself in an attempt to hide your body.
"Newt!" You shrieked "What the hell do you think you're doing!?"
He said nothing and began walking toward you.

When he was three feet in front of you he stopped. With his gaze never wavering from yours he slowly and deliberately drew his T-shirt over his head and threw it to the side. He continued to advance toward you with a predatory grace, bare feet on wet tile, warm hands on cold arms.

His fingers on your shoulders.
His hands on the shower curtain.
The curtain slowly falling away from your grasp.
His eyes never leaving yours.
Your bare chests pushed against each other as he wound his arms around your waist.

"I missed you." He murmured as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, leaving little tingling kisses on your collarbone.
"I missed you too." You whispered back, not speaking too loudly for fear of destroying moment.
It was as if you and Newt were the only two people on Earth. Your back pressed against the cold wet tile and your front against Newt's pale warm body. The droplets of water dripping from the rusty shower head hit your bodies, quickly soaking Newt.

"Let me look at you." He whispered, his irises boring into yours.
"Okay." Was all you could manage to croak out.
He stepped back and with his hands on your waist and his thumbs pressing into your hipbones, looked at you.
His eyes scoured the entirety of your body, sliding over some places while lingering others.

His eyes met yours again.
You blushed and turned your head away, shifting from foot to foot self consciously. Newt took your chin in his hands and tilted your face to look him dead in the eye.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered.

His eyes on yours.
Your arms around his neck.
His body flush against yours.
Your lips on his.

What started as a gentle and sober kiss soon turned into a drunk-like passionate embrace; lips working against each other as his tongue slid into your mouth. His hummed against your mouth sending vibrations through your already tingling lips.
You ran your hands down his chest and over the ridges of his abs to the fabric of his wet trousers.
You ran your fingers over the waistband but he drew back.
"Not here." Newt panted "When we do it I don't want it to be in a shower stall with blood on your legs and death in your mind."
"Okay." You whispered.

He left you to finish your shower and get dressed, coming back wearing a new, dry, set of clothes.
"Ready for the finest pancakes the Glade has to offer love?" He grinned, taking your arm and slipping it through his.
"Never been more ready in my life." You smiled back, standing on tip-toes to kiss his cheek.
"Then lets go!" He lead you to the Homestead where the aroma of freshly made pancakes was wafting through the open door.

---Well I did warn you about the steamy scenes and a few people guessed it had a 'lil something to do with a shower.
Sorry if you don't like pancakes but I mean really, you've just been kidnapped and watched Felix sacrifice himself for you so if I was in that position pancakes would sound pretty good.
Also, if you're a fan or Once Upon A Time please could you check out alostgirlofneverland because she's writing a Captain Swan fanfic and it is phenomenal <3
Please stay super duper safe and remember that I love you so so so much, bye Noses :) ---

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