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You wished you brought a torch.
You were sneaking out in the dead of night for the second time to try and see Newt. You hadn't seen him in three days and his absence felt like a physical pain. Alby and Minho kept telling you to give him space, let him recover; you didn't care. You just wanted to see him.

The first time you tried sneaking off at night Alby had found you after one of the stairs creaked and threatened to put you in the Slammer. Tonight you made sure Alby was snoring away before you tip-toed down the stairs and into the Galde.
You were halfway across when you felt someone clap their hand over your mouth and drag you backwards. You let out a muffled yelp and bit at the boys hand.
"Slim it Y/n! You'll wake the whole Galde!" Minho's voice said.
"Mmmmhh?" You asked. He let go of your mouth, "Minho! What the shucking hell was that for!"
"You can't see him y/n! You know the rules!"
"Screw the rules!" You cry "I haven't seen him in three days and if you don't let me see him right now I will personally tell everyone about the hair gel incident."
"Y/n! Thats going a bit over the top!"
"Let me see him!"
You let out a cry that was almost animal and fall to the ground, breaking down, letting the tears that you'd bottled up for so long slide down your cheeks. You were only half aware of Minho sitting down next to you and pulling you into his lap. You clung onto his shirt and sobbed into his chest.
"Shh shh shh, it's okay, everything's going to be okay." He soothed, stroking your hair as sobs violently raked through your body.
"He did it because of me." You whisper.
"Before you got here he was already having problems, don't go to hard on yourself, he'll be fine."
"But what if we hadn't found him? what if he--" You cut yourself off as a fresh wave of tears raced down your face, unable to say it out loud.
After sitting with Minho for a wile you looked up into his eyes.
"Sorry I made your shirt wet." You said, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
"It's okay, I think the blotchiness really brings out my eyes." You smile feebly, grateful for his attempt at cheering you up.
"I'll tell you what, you stay put for the rest of the night and I'll persuade Alby to let you see him tomorrow, deal?"
"You'd really let me see him?" You ask
"If you don't make any more escape attempts, yes." You tackle Minho in a hug and he laughs quietly. You sit back up beaming.

Minho takes you back to your room and stops at your doorway, looking at you.
"What...?" You ask nervously, hoping he won't suddenly decide that he'd made a horrible deal.
"You really love him, don't you?" He asks with a little smile.
"Yes." It's a soft answer.
"Good. That shank needs someone to love him, and he needs someone to love. You're good for him y/n."
"You love him a little as well." You tease.
"We all love Newtie." He says playfully "I mean, who couldn't, with his blond hair and dreamy eyes." Minho says, batting his lashes.
"Slim it." You giggle "Night."
"Night." He calls over his shoulder as he leaves.
You close the door and clamber into bed, thoughts running through your head like mad things.
When you finally get to succumb to exhaustion you're plagued with dreams riddled with nightmares.

--- littleeeeee bit bad...... this is just a little fill up chapter thing before I get down to the proper stuff
i've got two ways i could go with this and im trying to decide wether to be evil or nice..... the struggleeeeee
Please comment i love to read what you think <3
Message me if you want to talk x
Love you and stay safe, bye Noses :) ---

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