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You kissed until the rain stopped and Newt drew back, your legs falling from his hips as he rested his forehead against yours.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered.
"So are you." You whisper back.
"No, i'm not."
"Don't argue with me. You're beautiful." You said. He gently rubbed the tip of his nose against yours.
"We should probably get back and wash, it's already getting dark and the bonfires' later." He was right. You had been playing around for hours and were caked in mud.
"Yeah, okay." You say. He takes your hand and leads you back to the Med Jacks hut. He closes the door behind you as if to contain what you both have in the room. So only you can experience it.

"So," Newt muttered awkwardly "You can get cleaned up first, I'll wait" You thank him and shuffle into the bathroom where you peel off your muddy clothes and wash off when you suddenly realise that you don't have anything to change into.
"Uh, Newt?" You call through the door
"Yeah...." He replies.
"Can you get my clothes. I kind of left them outside. They're in a pile by the cabinet."
"Yeah okay let me just finish this lap."
"Newt! Just pause it!"
"Okay okay!" You hear him shuffle around a bit before knocking on the door.
"I've got my eyes closed so you can open the door." He called through. You quickly opened the door, grabbed you clothes and slammed the door yelling "Thanks!"
You started pulling on your clothes when something else caught your attention.
"Newt? You haven't given me a shirt."
"There wasn't one there."
"Well I can't just not were a shirt!"
"You can borrow one of mine. There's a ton in the cupboard from when I was sleeping next to your bed when you were unconscious."
"Can you pass it then.....?"
"You have to come and get it!" You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Okay then, don't wear a top." He laughed.
You threw the door open and stalked out giving him the dirtiest look you could muster, flung open the cupboard door and selected the nearest shirt, pulling it over your head.
"You know," Newt said, leaning back on his hands "I could get used to seeing you in my shirts."
"Newt seriously-- you know what? Never mind. Just go get ready ya shank."
"You love me really."
You paused, grinning at his arrogance, "Of course I do."
Within five minutes Newt was washed and changed.
"Come on then." He says, grabbing your hand and pulling you down the stairs.

When you got to the Galde the bonfire had already started and boys were milling around, wrestling and strangest of all, dancing.
"What on earth..." Newt trailed off.
"My thoughts exactly." Said a voice behind you. You turn around to find Minho standing there, a massive grin painted on his face.
"We just came down for the bonfire and there was a music player, tons of CDs and speakers!" He said.
"What's with all the shucking gifts lately!?" You ask no one in particular.
"Who cares!" Newt yells "Come dance with me!" He pulls you over to where some of the boys were dancing and spun you round. You giggled and began swishing your hips in time with the music. Newt takes your hands and tries to copy your movements, he's just starting to get the hang of it when the song changes to a very up-beat jumpy one.
"Crank up the music Minho!"
"No Newt."
"Please Minho, please!"
Minho gave in and turned the music full blast. The beat pulsed inside of you, making every vein bounce and every cell vibrate. Dancing like this gave you a new sort of reckless feeling, like you were on top of the world and nothing could bring you down.

On impulse you wrapped your arms around Newt's neck and slid closer to him.
Your thighs were touching.
He put his arms around on your waist and slid his hands up your back then down again, pulling you closer.
Your chests were touching.
You run your fingers through his hair as your eyes stumbled over his gorgeous features, tumbling over his eyes and nose, coming to rest on his lips.
He inched his face closer.
You inched yours closer still.
He lent into kiss you and you let him.
Newt's kisses felt better than any drug but after a few moments of perfect bliss you drew back and lightly brushed your lips along the arc of his jawline below his ear
"Y/n--" He said, his voice horse.
You lent in again, brushing the side of your nose against his, teasing him.
You lent in further.
Just as you were about to kiss him you drew back and smirked. He made a sound halfway between a laugh and a groan.
"Your a little shank, you know that right?" He asked, biting his lip to stop laughing.
"I've been told." You reply; shaking your head as the next song began to play.

Mine - A Newt ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now