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There was no chance of sleeping. Conflicting emotions crashed against each other inside your head making you feel even more confused than ever.

You couldn't help but feel sorry for Felix, not being in control of himself must be hideous, being trapped inside his own body with no way to escape. And yet, with all the horrible things he'd done to you, wether he'd meant to or not, you couldn't help but loath him. Soft brown curls and deep brown eyes hid evil that, if tended to, could blossom into a forest of darkness.

Thoughts of Newt slid unwillingly into your mind, memories of the two of you swirling like a vortex in your head. The image of his smiling face, the feel of his lips against your own kissing you as if he'd never touched anything as beautiful as you in his entire life stuck in your head, never moving, like a bird stuck in the cyclone.
Thinking of him was the first cobblestone on the road to hurt. To distract yourself you tried to think of something else.
You thought of Minho, his smirking face and sassy remarks.
You thought of Gally, broad shoulders and protective nature.
You thought of Ashton, tipping back alcohol like it was water in a desert.
You thought of Felix. The old Felix. You thought of his playful nature and carefree smile. You thought of the way he'd taken your hand and invited you into his private world of adventures.
You thought of him now.

Tears pooled in your eyes and broke past the bars your eyelashes created; sliding down your cheeks creating streaks through your grimy face. Tears were rivers of raw fast flowing suffering and your face played the role of muddy bank, dirt and blood washing away as they raced down your cheeks.

You thumped your head into the pillow and screamed in frustration against the thin material, fisting the sheets and pulling against the ropes you started to thrash about, kicking your legs and yelling incoherent curses into the semi-darkness.

You heard a noise from outside. You ceased your movements instantly and lay still, straining your ears for even the faintest whisper of noise. A sound, closer this time, echoed around the tent followed swiftly by a grunt of pain.
"Hello!? Hello!?" You yelled, pulling at the restraints once again "Can anyone hear me!? I'm over here!?"
"Y/n?" A male voice called out, his tone laced with disbelief.
"Yes! Yes I'm in here!" You screamed, trying to make as much noise as possible.
"Y/n what the hell?" The voice was closer and more clear. You could make out little quirks in his voice.

It sounded almost like- no, it couldn't be. There was no way he could have- unless...
The tent flap swung open to admit a boy with scraggly hair and a worried look.

"Felix?" You furrowed your brow in complete and utter confusion.
"Y/n! Y/n oh my greivers what have I done to you?" He hurried over and looked down at your bruised face and battered limbs.
"What the hell are you on about?" You demand as his fingers start to work at the ropes binding you to the bed frame.
A smile suddenly broke his sullen features "I'm in control, angel! I did it! I beat them, I can do anything I like now!"
You looked up at him.

"Prove it."
His smile faltered and before he could reply you snorted in a most unladylike way and ploughed ahed "You can't seriously think that I'm gunna believe that a few hours ago you were Mr. Control and now you're all lets-go-skip-in-meadows-and-be-free. Prove to me you're in control."
He looked at you in dismay "How!?" Felix raked his fingers through his hair and started pacing "How do I prove it? What do you want, a freakin' essay on how we met and the way we bonded?"
"Come here." You said simply.
He rushed over to you and sat on the bed.
You looked at him, his brown eyes wide in anticipation, all cruelty gone from his aura.

You punched him square in the nose.
He jerked to the side, hand already coming up to massage the hurt. You enjoyed the small piece of revenge.
"What the hell was that for!?" He demanded.
"You didn't hit me back!" You grinned at his astounded expression.
"Of corse I didn't! Did you really think I was the type of boy to go around hitting girls!?"
"Hitting on them maybe." You smirked, throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into you, his arms went around your waist as he rested his chin on your head.

"What did I do to you?" He murmured.
"Well, umm, you, you kinda, erm." You faltered, shifting uncomfortably.
"Tell me angel. Did I, ya know?"
"Did you what?"
"Touch you." He muttered, blushing up a storm as he drew back to look you in the eye.
"No, well, I mean, you got quite close a few times. And hit me. And locked me in a cage. You really scared me Felix."

He suddenly stood up and backed away from you, running his hand through his hair again and pulling at the curls
"I'm a monster." He whispered "A bloody monster."
"No Felix, that wasn't you, you couldn't control it." You assured him as he strode forward and crouched down next to you.
"Please. Please angel, please. Forgive me. Please.
"Y/n." He interrupted you "I'm taking you back."
"Really!?" You screeched, helping him untie your ankles and hopping off the bed.
"No I'm gunna leave you here." He said sarcastically "Do you think they'll banish me." He said uncertainty.
"No! Of corse not! Not once we explain everything to them, anyway."
"Okay good." He sighed, relaxing visibly.

"Well lets not hang about." You say impatiently, thoughts of your and Newt's reunion filled your head and you smiled to yourself, indulging in your fantasies before being snapped out of your revive by Felix.
"Ah. Well, you see, there's a little problem with that." Be wouldn't meet your eye.
"What?" You said slowly, afraid of the answer.

"To get back," He looked you straight in the eye "We have to go through the Maze."

---What just happened? why can't I write? why can't i spell?
does anyone even read these authors notes anyway? comment 'frogs' if u do
anywayyyyyyyy this was a filler before we get into the gritty stuff
idk man i kinda like Felix even as evil Felix i kinda liked him
i've got a headache and my head hurts real bad :(
your comments make me so happy! i got so many on the last chapter i was squealing! <3
Love you so much, beautiful and please stay super duper safe, bye Noses :) ---

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