50 ~ the letter

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Dear Gladers,

I'm sorry I had to leave like this, but I don't think I have much choice. If I'd had told you you would have tried to stop me, and I didn't want to hurt anyone.
I think part of the Flare is already working inside me; sometimes I get this uncontrollable urge to scream or break things or break myself.
But that might be just me.

Oh my god Minho, I'll miss you man. You've been like a brother to me and I never thought I'd have to say goodbye to my best friend but I'm doing it for your own good. You can't have me around anymore, mate. I'm not good for you. I'm just a monster.
But really mate, if I don't get the cure my last thoughts will be of you and how you didn't realise that it was me that put blue hair die in your gel that one time.
I love you Minho. I don't want to leave my best friend.

I'll keep this short dude.
Look after y/n.
I know you love her and so do I, so that gives us a connection but, I'm not going to be around anymore, and I don't want her sad. Please Gally, please. Just look after her. Protect her. 
Do all the things I should be doing but can't.

Y/n. Oh God. That night you comforted me all those months ago I never knew I'd be in this deep with you. Never. I mean, I liked you. Who didn't? You're beautiful, not big-headed, smart and funny. I know you don't think you are but you're bloody perfection.
I never wanted to leave you, darling.
It kills me, it really does. I want to be there for you, be there when you're sad and when you're happy and everything in between. But I can't.

Meet me on the hill with the willow tree on the boarder of your new town in exactly one year at 7:30 pm. I'll be there darling. I'll fight like hell to be there.
And if I'm not there, then just remember that I'm thinking of you. And that I'm so proud of you.
I can't wait to see you again, I miss you already.

In the Glade I was always looking for answers. Why had they put us here? What was in the Maze? Would we ever escape? What was the point anymore.
But then you came along with your crazy theories about the universe and the stars and death and completely blew all those now insignificant questions completely out of my mind.
You spent you time looking at the world and marvelling, I spent mine looking at you in awe.
For me, you were my answer.

I'll miss you all so much, and I'll fight for you. I'm not the conceded type but I know you'll miss me. And I'll miss you. But I will win the cure, for me, for us.
Then we can have a ordinary life in Paradise.
I wonder what ordinary feels like.

You saved me in more ways than you could possibly imagine and for that I thank you. Without your acceptance and love I would be completely, utterly broken.
I love you all.

I'll see you all soon.
                Newt x

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