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"Oi, Y/n, wake up." You felt the toe of a boot nudge your leg, you snuggled further into Newt.
"Come on chick, you're gunna want to see this."
"Ugmuhuf." You moaned, untangling yourself from Newt and rolled over the grass slightly "What?" You demanded, rubbing sleep from your eyes and massaging your temples.
"Ugh, I've got the mother of all hangovers." You muttered to yourself, sitting back on your ankles and squinting up at a bleary Felix.
"Come with me, but shh."
"Why?" You wined, staggering to your feet and blinking twice quickly.
"Because it's a secret." He wined back.
"Ugh fine. But make it quick. I need sleep like Minho needs his hair gel."

"Felix! I don't even have any shoes!" You moaned, wincing as the blobs of darkness transformed into pointy twigs and sharp stones under your feet.
"Suck it up." He growled, ploughing ahead, leaving you to stumble blindly behind him.
"Felix. Felix! FELIX!"
"WHAT?" He screamed, storming over to you and grabbing your shoulders, putting his face so close to yours that you could see shorter hairs at the front of his head that weren't slicked into place sticking up.
"Felix, are you alright?" You whispered, something was wrong, his whole laid back vibe was completely off.
"Yes y/n, I'm shucking fine." His eyes blazed.
"Fine." You snapped "When you're ready to be nice and tell me the truth, I'll be waiting." You spun on your heel and began to stalk off before you felt strong, rough hands on your shoulders, pulling you back.

You stumbled backward and crashed into Felix's chest; he held you flush against him, lips brushing your ear.
"Nu uh little y/n, you have to see this."
"I don't want to Felix." You tried to keep a waver from your voice.
"Tough luck."

The boy with the iron hard grip dragging you through the forest in the middle of the night was not the same boy you'd gotten drunk with a few hours ago. Was not the same boy you'd laughed with. Was not the same boy you'd joked with. Was not the same Felix.

"Please Felix, what's wrong?" You asked plaintively.
"You. You are wrong. You're a mistake. I'm just doing as I'm supposed to be doing. Then I'll kill you."
"Okay first off: What!? Secondly, Felix this really isn't funny, if you're playing some sort of game, now would be a grand time to stop."
"You don't understand." He hissed through his teeth, stopping abruptly and spinning to face you "I can't stop. They can control me. Get inside my head." He was practically spitting out the words as if they were poison. He tapped his index finger to his temple as if he could feel 'them', a mad look flitting across his perfect features.
"Who controls you!? Felix! What are you on about!?" You cried in frustration.
He just tightened his grip on your arm and dragged you away.

"Here we are."
"You must be kidding me."
"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He growled, pushing you forward. You cried out as the uneven ground dug into the soles of your feet.
In front of you, resting in a tree, was a cage.
In a sudden blind panic you struggled but Felix was so much stronger than you, grabbing a fist full of your hair and dragging you forward, seemingly oblivious to your cries as he threw you unceremoniously into the cage.
You flew straight into the bars at the back and immediately crawled forward only to be greeted by the metal door.
Felix turned the key in the padlock and turned to walk away.
"So that's it!?" You screamed after him "You stick me in a cage that's been here for god knows how long with no food or water and just walk away without an explanation! Why are you doing this?"
Your head was thumping as the alcohol crashed into your head making it even harder to think.
"Felix..." You whispered, reaching a hand between the bars of your cage only to encounter thin air.
He'd left.

You felt hot tears prick the back of your eyes but you pushed them down.
I've got to stay strong. This isn't the end. Someone will find me. I'll be fine.
But even as you spoke the words silently to yourself you knew that no one was coming. Nobody would find you. You had to rely on the boy who put you in here to get you out.

---This was short and confusing just stick with it okay x
sorry for any mistakes
all will be explained in further chapters
Your comments are honestly just, i have no words <3
I love you so much please remember that and I implore you to stay as safe as you can, bye Noses :) ---

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