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You woke screaming. Clawing away from the murky depths of nightmare riddled sleep you sat bolt upright and hit Newt in the face.
"Jeez y/n, next time you wake screeching in the middle of the night, I'll be sure to duck." He rubbed his forehead and shot you slightly offended glance.
"I'm sorry I just- There was this- And you-" You panted, clutching the sheets into bundles in your clenched hands, sweat leaking from every pour in your body. Little pockets of moonlight shone through the window giving everything a shining cover and void-like shadow.
You met Newt's eyes.
And burst into tears.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright, you're safe now, shhh, it's okay, I'm here." He soothed, gathering you into his arms so he lent against the head-board and you rested up upon him.
You buried your face into his chest and cried until you had no tears left; clutching at him, fingers pressed harshly against his skin.
"What happened." He whispered softly, easing you away slightly and wiping away your tears with the pad of his thumb.
"I was in the Maze," You hiccuped, "and there was this Griever, and I couldn't move, and it was gunna get me, and then- and then-" You broke down into sobs once more.
Newt slid his hand to the back of your neck behind your hair and pulled you forward, pushing his lips onto yours with such a quiet intensity your heart missed a beat.

"There," He whispered, forehead against yours, "all better."
Everything was silent for a moment, the still of the night broken only by the building creaking or the sheets ruffling.

"I think I love you too much." You whispered, letting a tear fall off your cheek and run down his chest to grace the curve of his abs.
"Well, I love you far too much as well, so I guess we're even." He whispered into your hair, "Do you want to try to get some sleep?"
"What if I have another nightmare?" You whimpered.
"Then I'll be here. I'll always be here."
You fell asleep in his arms.

You awoke to the sun streaming through the window and a banging on the door.
"Newttttt?" You groaned drowsily, "Somebody's at the door."
"Come in." Newt called huskily.
As soon as the words fell over his lips the door crashed open and Minho spilled into the room.
"Guys guys guys!" He screeched, jumping around the room before sprawling onto the bed and wrapping his arms around both of you in a death grip.
"Can't. Breathe." You choked out.
"Sorry!" He yelled, not sounding at all sorry.

Minho leaped off the bed as you yawned and stretched, arching your back and straightening your legs while Newt rubbed sleep from his eyes.
"What's got you all happy, Skippy?" Newt squinted at Minho.
"We're leaving today!" He screamed, doing a little dance on the spot before jumping on the bed again.
"Wait, what!?" You gaped.
"Yes!" He squeed rhapsodically, "pack your things! We're getting out of the Maze!"


"We're only allowed to take one backpack so only pack the essentials." Newt reminded you as you - now fully clothed - crammed things into your pack.
"Yes yes, only take what you need and no more yada yada yada." You rolled your eyes and attempted to wedge your comfy jumper into the front pocket before sighing in exasperation and throwing it to the side.
"What do you think it'll be like?" You asked suddenly, stopping your attempt at folding a spare pair of socks and looked over at Newt.
"What do you mean?" He straightened up, meeting your eyes.
"I mean, what do you think the world will be like? We might find out why they put us in here, we might finally understand." You smiled, but soon your smile faded, "what if we were put in here for a reason?"
"Why would we have been?" He furrowed his brow.
"What if we were put in here to keep us safe? What if we were never meant to find a way out?"
"Y/n, love, think about it. If they wanted to keep us safe they didn't need to trap us in a giant maze with deadly Grievers and controlled kids. Also, if they don't want us to escape, then why build in an escape route?"
"I guess you're right." You sighed, turning back to your packing.
"I always am." He smiled, coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, "But as long as we're together, I'm happy."
"Roger that sergeant." You snapped a lazy salute.

"Which reminds me..." He turned away and hooked his fingers on the draw handle, "I have something to give you."

--- Ohhhh, what is it!?!?
You'll have to wait and see.
Sorry this took me so long to update and is klunky anyway, I've been kind of a mess lately.
Your comments seriously brighten my day you are all a blessing don't ever doubt that <3
I love you all soooooo much and please please stay super safe, bye Noses :) ---

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