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The world fell away.

You and Felix were the only people left on Earth. You, Felix, and an unearthly fear.
The last time you'd saw the boy who haunted your nightmares he'd saved your life. Then died with his head in your lap and your tears on his cheeks.

"You're dead." You whispered, unable to tear your eyes away from his scrubbed face and washed hair.
The boy with a newly cleaned face had such a dirty heart.
"Sorry to disappoint angel." He smirked, his eyes traveling up and down your body in a way that made you feel naked.

"And might I say," he met your eyes at last, "you look as good as ever."
Newt's hand immediately shot out and he grabbed your arm, pulling you against him.
"Protective much?" Felix sneered, "but don't worry yourself Newt, even though y/n choose you, I still know I'd give her a far better time than you ever would."
"Shut up Felix or I swear to God, I'll kill you." Newt's voice was quaking with anger.
"I'd like to see you try." Felix taunted.

Before Newt could even take one step Felix had a gun in his hand pointing straight at your heart.
Everything dimmed.
The only thing you could see was the barrel of the gun and the only thing you could hear was the sound of your heart thumping like a wild thing in your chest.

"Now now, lets not get hasty." Felix taunted, waving the gun around in a way that made sweat beed across your hairline.
"Scared, angel?" He whispered.
"You wish." You whispered back.
Quick as a flash he had the gun levelled at Newt's head, "What about now?" He moved the barrel toward Minho.
"Who do you want me to kill first sweatheart? Your beloved Newt? Minho, who you consider a brother? Or even Gally, who you love simply as a friend, never anything more."
A low growl settled in the back of Gally's throat.
He trained the gun on you again.
"I really wish I didn't have to do this darling." He said with something like regret lacing his tone.

Felix's pov

Pictures. So many pictures and words racing around my head it was hard to think. The Creator's voices controlling me, dulling my senses.
Kill them.
No! Come on Felix! Fight it!
Kill her. She never loved you, she never even liked you. Kill her.
Just let us take control.
But it would be so easy just to give up, to float away and not have a fight anymore. Not have to wage this inward battle in my overcrowded mind.
They did this to you, Felix. The Gladers made you like this. Punish them. Kill them.
The Gladers made you like this.
The Gladers made you like this.
The Gladers made you like this.
No. NO! The Creators did this. They have to be punished. They are the ones who will pay.

And suddenly I was in control.

Your pov

"Y/n?" Felix looked at you and in that second that fell into oblivion, you knew he had control.
"Felix oh my God, put down the gun." You pleaded.
"Y/n." He repeated. The gun shook in his hand.
"Felix. Put down the gun and kick it to me." You urged in the calmest voice you could.
"I. Can't." He growled through gritted teeth.
"Felix. Please." Tear stung your eyes as a lump the size if a marble rose in your throat.

"Please forgive me. I can't control it. You don't know what it's like. They showed me things, horrible things," he was whispering, eyes on you but focused somewhere else, "They made me do things to people I didn't want to. Terrible things. I am not a good person anymore y/n. I'm too far gone."
"You are a good person Felix. You've just done bad things, and even then that wasn't you." You were begging now.
Begging for your life.
For your sanity.

"Y/n." Never before had your name sounded so sad.
Felix raised the gun again.
"I'm sorry y/n." He whispered.
He pressed the barrel into his own temple.
He pulled the trigger and a bang so loud the universe seemed to implode followed.
"No!" you cried, lunging forward as Felix fell to the floor, blood gushing from the wound and pooling around his head. Sticking to his hair.

And the world ended.

All you could hear was your heart beating in your ears, the sounds of the Gladers yelling for you seemed muffled, like from behind a wall.
All you could think of was the boy in front of you. Somewhere along the line you'd fallen to the floor, your knees ignoring the impact.

Everything was disconnected. The feel of Newt's arms around you as he tried to pull you away. The blood smearing your hands as you crawled to his body.
The only real thing was the pain.

"Please, please no please no. No please I can't loose you again please you can't die again please." You begged. Begged God or the Creators or anyone.
"Come on y/n. Come on angel." Newt's arms wrapped around you and you fell into his chest, your legs no longer supporting you.
"He's dead. I've lost him again." You said. Numb.
"Yes. But y/n, we're all still alive. In a way, it's better if he's dead. He's happier." 

You slumped against his chest, your eyes staring unfocussed as you felt Felix's blood start to seep into the hem of your trousers.

You looked up at the rest of the group who were staring at Felix's body and your tear stained cheeks.
"We've come too far to stop before the final door." Newt addressed the Gladers, "And I'll be bloody shucked if we're gunna stop now."
You got to your feet, a thumping sound in your ears.
Turning your back on Felix's body, you walked through the door.

The Creators sat in a row before you, a faint shimmering wall separating you.
"The shuck Creators." Minho growled "I'll kill you! I'll kill all of you!"
"That would be a very ambitious of you." One of the Creators sneered.
"I'm a very ambitious boy." Minho sneered back.
"Enough, you two." The Creator sat in the middle waved a hand and the other bowed his head, "You have done very well. More survived than we thought would, but the more the merrier. Unfortunately, there are some things we need to discuss." He said gravely.
He looked like a rat.
You immediately disliked him.

Ratman went on to explain about the outside would and how it had been scorched by sun flares. These sun flares and devastated the Earth and given way to a terrifying disease named the Flare.
Some were immune, others were not.

"... And as you may have gathered, most of you are immune." He concluded.
"What do you mean, most?" Gally growled, clenching and unclenching his fists.
"Well, whereas most of you are immune, some have shown signs of the Flare."
"And who might that be?" Minho asked testily.
"There were only four people. One died trying to escape. We cured one in the maze and the other two are in this very room. We are in the presence of two Cranks."

"This isn't a T.V. show results bit. Are you going to leave us waiting or tell us." You snapped, fed up with the vague answers.

Ratman chuckled slightly "Y/N my sweet, you had the flare."
Your heart missed a beat, "what do you mean 'had'? I'm cured? How?"
"So many questions." He waved an almost dismissive hand as if the fact that you had had a life threatening disease was nothing "when we made Felix give you his blood we made him add a very rare and valuable antitoxin, we've tried this method many times but due to the incredibly low success rate and the fact that it is a finite resource, we had to give up."
"Guess I'm just lucky then." You grimaced, Felix's name almost staggering you.

"Just tell us who has the flare in this room before I really go crazy and hit you." Minho growled, fingers flexing into fists.
Ratman raised one perfectly tented-to brow and looked down and a list.
"Kieran and Newt."
You didn't know Kieran that well, but your heart stopped at the mention of Newt's name.

--- I'm back!
Sorry, I was on holiday with my friend, it was ace! I got so tanned and we made friends with theses two boys.
I'm so tired so I'm sorry for mistakes.
Do you guys still enjoy this? I feel like this clears up some of the stuff around Felix so please comment what you think, I love reading them it brightens my day <3
I love you so much beautiful, please stay super safe, bye Noses :) ---

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