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You don't know how long you lay in your bed staring up at the ceiling but eventually you got up and padded down the stairs and made your way over to the kitchen for a glass of water.
You were about to push open the already ajar door when you heard voices coming from within. You peeked inside and saw Gally and Minho. Gally was sat with his back to you hunched over a table while Minho was sat opposite him facing you and looking quite unsure what to do.

"--she can't though." You heard Gally's rough voice say.
"Gally. Don't be a Slinthead. You know how this has to work." Minho replyed, taking a deep breath and running his hand over his hair.
"I get a second chance!" Gally yelled, then quietened his voice and said softly "I need her, Minho. You don't know what it's like." Something was wrong with Gally's voice.
Then it hit you.
He was crying.
Gally was crying over you.
"We have to tell her!" Minho exclaimed.
"No we don't!" Gally shot back.
What did Minho want you to know that Gally so desperately wanted to keep from you? You thought you liked Gally, just not in that way.
"Gally, you know she'll find out soon enough."
"SHE WON'T!" Gally yelled, slamming his hand on the table.
What Minho said next made you freeze.
"We have to tell her. We have to tell her that she's in love with Newt."

You raced back up the stairs, knocking into almost everything you passed, threads of static adrenaline flying through your veins. When you get back to your room you slammed the door closed and slid to the floor panting. Your skin was clammy and your head span.
You were in love with Newt?
Surely Minho would't lie, would he?
Gally loved you.
It would explain why he didn't want you to know.
It would also explain the little tingling feeling you got in your chest when you saw Newt.
Defeated, you climbed into bed and, not having the strength to stay awake any longer, fell into a welcome but troubled sleep.

A little while later you woke but sensing someone else in the room, kept your eyes shut. The other person dragged over a chair, the legs scraping lightly against the rough wooden floor as they dropped it next to your bed. A soft hand reached out and gently brushed away a stray bit of hair out of your face.
"Y/n, I know you can't hear me and that this is really creepy, me watching you sleep and all, but you have to remember. You have to remember what we had together.  You have to remember that we were together!" Newt whispered to you; he was trying to keep his voice strong but a waver was creeping in "Please remember. Please remember. Please remember." He repleted the words over and over as his hot tears fell onto your freezing face.
It took all your strength to stay still and not burst into tears.
Newt wifely rose to his feet made his way out. You opened your eyes a tiny crack but saw him turn around and walk back toward you. You hastily shut your eyes. He pressed his lips to your forehead and whispered "You're mine. And I'm yours."
And with that he left.
You're mine and I'm yours.
Suddenly your vision blurred and you fell back against the bed.
You're mine and I'm yours.
You blacked out.

You and Newt were dancing.
"I'm yours." You whispered
"And I'm yours." He whispered back.

Suddenly you remembered everything.

--- hehehe here ya' go! got your memories back super quick! kinda left on a cliff hanger and its a bit rushed and sorry if short, blah blah blah
anywayyyyyy how are you guys?
Message me if you want to talk x
please comment i love to read what you have to say 😘
Love you and stay safe Noses :) ---

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