Wedding Date RSVP Day

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Near the center of Seoul is an apartment complex, and tucked within a small apartment is a man. A blond man with gentle hazel eyes and a boxy smile, humming softly as he sits curled up on the sofa with his laptop perched on his knees. A decorative clock ticks away the time, the sun fading through the windows as night takes over the city. The faint yellow rays highlight the artwork and pictures on the walls, an eclectic mix of landscape paintings and happy memories. Some of the photos show family members smiling together, and others two boys with bright grins on their faces as they embrace each other.

Those are the memories Kim Taehyung loves the most. The memories of happiness and glee. Not of pain or despair, and ever since he met Jeon Jungkook, he has had nothing but happy memories and inspiring support. Taehyung sips at a cup of tea as he flips through notes and emails, some marked with names and reservation acceptances, and others marked with URGENT in the subject lines. He curls his legs beneath him on the couch, humming along to the radio playing a soft John Legend song.

When the front door opens, and a man enters, Taehyung perks up, smiling brightly as Jungkook sets his bag down and kicks off his shoes in the foyer. He sees Taehyung all curled up on the couch in his hoodie and sweats, the warm smile comforting Jungkook's tired nerves. He immediately crosses the room and kisses Taehyung, his fingers resting delicately on his lover's soft cheek as the boy hums contentedly in the kiss.

Once Jungkook breaks it, he smiles and murmurs a gentle, "Hey, bub,"

"Hey, love..." Taehyung quietly greets, his lips curled in a sweet grin as he looks up at his lover, "How was the meeting with your publisher?" he asks, his hazel eyes comforting Jungkook. It doesn't matter how much time has passed or how little; Jungkook never gets tired of seeing that sweet gaze. He flops down on the couch beside Taehyung with a groan, adjusting his long limbs as Taehyung moves to curl between them. The two shuffle around until Taehyung sits with his back against Jungkook's chest, and the raven-haired writer has his arms tightly wrapped around Taehyung's waist, the laptop momentarily forgotten.

"It was okay...they bumped up my deadline for this new book, so I need to have the manuscript mostly complete by next week..." Jungkook mumbles, resting his chin on Taehyung's shoulder as his fingers slip beneath the hem of his sweater so that he can gently touch his lover.

"Try not to stress too much," Taehyung says quietly with that warm smile on his lips, "I know you'll figure it all out," he adds as Jungkook plants a soft kiss on his head, the lavender-scented locks tickling his nose before he nuzzles against Taehyung's neck, kissing it softly as he pulls the boy closer. Taehyung melts into Jungkook's touch, enjoying the soft way his fingers caress his skin and his lips dance over his neck in gentle pecks. A chime from the laptop distracts both of the boys, pulling Taehyung back to the task at hand. The wedding.

"How goes the preparations?" Jungkook casually asks, his breath teasing Taehyung's ear as the blond boy reaches across the couch for his laptop. Both men bubble with excitement as they think about their wedding. It isn't going to be a big event; just close family and friends who all love and support them. Of course, Taehyung sent invitations to England, though it caused some anxiety in him to not send one to his mother. Jungkook agreed that it was for the best, but now and then Taehyung second guesses himself.

"They're going pretty well!" Taehyung chimes, sitting back in Jungkook's arms while settling the computer on his lap, "The florist sent some arrangement options, and the baker also wanted us to look over cake designs, also do you have an opinion on--" Taehyung stops talking as soon as he reads the subject line from the top email, his mouth dropping open in shock.

"What...what is it, bub?" Jungkook asks, noticing Taehyung's rigid body and startled expression. His fingers start to circle Taehyung's soft waist, drawing his attention to the here and now with those soft little touches. When Taehyung looks back at Jungkook, it isn't with concern or worry or fear in his eyes. His hazel eyes gleam with surprise and a sprinkle of glee as a smile curls on his lips. He can't help but be excited.

Without saying a word, Taehyung points at the unopened email nestled in his inbox with other RSVPs, catering questions, venue suggestions, and floral arrangements. Jungkook doesn't quite share Taehyung's excitement as he reads the email, however, he does smile at how happy his lover is. This is an opportunity to continue mending a relationship. How can Jungkook argue with her coming when it makes Taehyung so happy? That is all that really matters to the dark-haired man. Taehyung's happiness. The blond kisses Jungkook on the cheek, leaning into the comfort of his body as he reads the subject line once again.

"I can't believe she's actually coming..."

Talia Harding (with plus one)has RSVPd for Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook's Wedding!


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