Chapter One: The Invitation

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Taehyung can't believe he's doing this. He can't believe he's about to text a male escort and hire him as his boyfriend for the week. How the hell did his life come to this? He stares at his phone, shakily thinking over his options. He could always go to the wedding solo. Except then his family would attack him for being single—worse single and gay—and try to hook him up with some chick that will cure him of his affliction. Yeah. Not gonna happen. Worse than his family is the groom. An ex-boyfriend who proposed when he and Taehyung were back in college only for him to cheat. With Taehyung's little sister. The sister the groom is now getting married to. Going single to this wedding is not an option. He needs to prove he's moved on from the betrayal, the heartache, and the backstabbing boyfriend. He needs to prove that he's found someone worth loving.

Even when that is entirely untrue. He hasn't been able to date since he graduated from university and started working as a school teacher. He's had to be very careful of the school finding out about his sexuality, and most dates don't find conversations about education or the antics of tiny humans to be fascinating. So here he is one year after the heartbreak. Single. He begged his friend Yoongi to hook him up with someone—anyone—but instead he gives him the web address of a professional escort service who are hired for dates all the time. Not a problem right? Wrong. Everyone is booked except one escort, Jeon Jungkook, and he doesn't do weddings. Ever. It's against his policy. He doesn't have an issue with homosexual relationships, but he specifically says no weddings. No extended trips or family gatherings. But Taehyung has no choice.

 But Taehyung has no choice

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Message Jeon Jungkook?

"Okay, can do this..." he whispers to himself, ruffling his golden blond hair before sending a message to Jungkook.

7:45 pm. Hi. My name is Kim Taehyung. I know you don't normally do vacations or weddings or anything...but how much would it cost to hire you for a week?

He presses send, and then waits.

"God that sounds so creepy!" He cries, smothering his face into his pillow and screaming with frustration. Never has he thought he'd have to stoop so low as to hiring an escort for this damn wedding! Quickly, he picks up his phone again and sends another message to Jungkook.

7:50pm I know I'm asking for a lot, but I'm not some creeper. I'm only 23. And I'm not expecting sex or anything. I just...I need someone to go to this wedding with me. Please?

"Did I really just type please? Oh my god I'm practically begging! Fuck this!" he groans, tossing his phone to the side as he clings to his pillows, hating the feeling of helplessness that is settling into his veins. He has three days to figure out this whole 'boyfriend' thing. He's already bought the plane tickets to London where the wedding will be hosted, a hotel room, and everything. He even sent his wedding reservation with the dreaded "Plus One". Now if only he can find that damn one!

Minutes later, his phone pinged and Taehyung could feel his heart racing. He looks over, shocked by the unknown number that texted him back. He actually sent him a response!

Unknown: Hi Taehyung. This is Jeon Jungkook, and you're right. I don't do events. There are other escorts in the agency that are better suited for this sort of thing. Try one of them.

Taehyung's heart pounds loudly in his ears as he quickly types a response, cuddling his pillow for emotional support as he leans against his headboard.

Taehyung: I'm really sorry to be so pushy, but everyone is already hired for the week I need. I know I'm asking for a lot, and that you've every right to be hesitant to take this on. I don't have any other options though. Please. Will you please consider working next week? I'm sorry if this is too much to ask...just please consider it...

Taehyung sighs, setting his phone down as he goes to his bathroom before starting the hot water in his tub. He needs to relax. His teaching school year is over, he's got everything for this up and coming week all planned out and packed, and he's tapped into his retirement funds for the money to fund this trip. And boyfriend. All he needs now is for Jungkook to agree. He wanders back to his phone, noticing the light flashing before a text message pops up on the lock screen.

Unknown: Send me a picture of yourself. I need to make sure you're actually 23 and not some creepy 85-year-old pervert. Because I ain't spending a whole week with one of them.

Taehyung can't help but laugh at the man's message even though he's super nervous to send a picture. This is his weakness. His insecurity in his looks. He's been told by many of his friends that he's attractive and cute, but after his ex, he hasn't been the same. He takes a deep breath and sends him a picture his friend, Jimin, took last week before running to the bathroom and climbing into his scalding hot bath.

 He takes a deep breath and sends him a picture his friend, Jimin, took last week before running to the bathroom and climbing into his scalding hot bath

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Taehyung: Not an old pervert. Just a school teacher.

Almost instantly, Jungkook responds to the text.

Unknown: You don't look 23.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, used to Jungkook's statement. He's been carded for R rated movies and liquor more times than he can count.

Taehyung: What? Do I need to send you a picture of my ID for proof?

Jungkook: Sassy. I like that. How about you and I meet up for coffee so we can get to know each other better and discuss logistics of next week?

Taehyung squeals happily, realizing he is one step closer to getting his date for the wedding.

Taehyung: Gladly! There's an amazing café called Jin's place right around the corner from my apartment. Do you know where it is? We can meet there at like 11am tomorrow?

Jungkook: Yeah, I know it. The owner is one of my close friends. I will meet you there at 11am. Please don't be late. I have an event in the afternoon.

Taehyung is uncomfortable knowing Jungkook is meeting with a client tomorrow, but he shakes it off. He knows what kind of business the man is part of, and he can't expect exclusivity before Jungkook's even been hired. Still...there's something incredibly attractive about the escort even though he is edgier and rougher than the typical type of guy Taehyung dates. Taehyung usually goes for fellow nerds or poets. Not the bad boy, jock, type. And that is exactly what the mysterious escort Jungkook is like.


Hey guys! I know. I'm starting ANOTHER story when I haven't even finished my other ones yet, but I couldn't get this idea out of my head! It's definitely rated M for smut, language, and insinuations of paid services. 

Random note: That being carded for R rated movies thing happens to me all the time and I'm almost 25! So annoying...

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