Chapter Three: The Mother

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(The Mother's conversational bits are in italics as this is over the phone)


A Plus One?! You're bringing a date? Oh, Taehyungie, I hope she's really sweet...

" know it's a guy. I told you I'm gay..." Taehyung whispers and his mom drags out a long, dramatic, sigh.

Oh you're still in that phase...I don't think you should bring a boy to the wedding, Taehyung. That just isn't right...

"Sure, but backstabbing, cheating, sluts are totally fine as long as they're straight..." Taehyung bitterly mumbles, clenching his fist as he sits on the park bench, defeated by the conversation already.

What was that?

"Nothing, Mom. Nothing..." Taehyung grumbles, knowing that no matter what he says, it wouldn't matter. His sister, Talia, could do no wrong in his mother's eyes. Well. Half-sister. Recently, the family keeps reminding Taehyung that he is just the adopted son of the wealthy family, and not a biological one. Whenever they were disappointed in him, they would remind him that he's not really their blood, and he should be grateful that they rescued him from the horrible orphanage he was in. And he was grateful—he is grateful—he just doesn't understand how a decision made when he was an infant can affect his life now.

"You know your grandfather won't want you here with a boy," his mother spits out the last word, and again Taehyung sighs.

"I know. Which is why I booked a hotel room, Mom,"

"I don't want you staying with him—"

"Why, Mom?! Why?! Give me one good reason why I can't stay with my own boyfriend?" Taehyung snaps, knowing he'll probably regret it later.

"Well...well...I don't know anything about him!" the woman flounders for a good excuse and Taehyung sighs, biting his bottom lip as frustration and insecurity floods his veins.

"His name is Jungkook. He's 26. We met each other at his best friend's café. That's all you need to know," Taehyung coldly states.

"I want to speak to him. Now, Taehyung," his mother snaps and his eyes widen.

"What? No. I'm not even with him,"

"Yes, you are. You said you were out with a friend. I'm assuming you meant him. NOW, TAEHYUNG," he can never refuse when his mother starts shouting in her shrill bossy British voice. He never knew accents could terrify him until he learned just how stern his mother was.

"Hold on..." he whispers, putting her on mute before taking a deep breath and hurrying back into the café. He sees Jungkook with Jin, and instantly runs over to the table.

"Taehyung? Are you okay?" Jungkook questions, a look of concern crossing his chiseled face.

"Yes and mother wants to speak with you..." Taehyung whispers and Jungkook's brows shoot up in surprise.

"Oh, Tae, I'm sorry, but I don't do well with—"

"Please," Taehyung begs, the look of fear and desperation in his bright eyes has Jungkook instantly taking the phone out of his hand, wrapping an arm tightly around his waist, and takes it off mute.

"Hi, this is Jungkook—"

I know who you are, Taehyung's mother spits, and Jungkook's brows furrow.

"Really now?"

You are the boy trying to taint my son, she snaps, Jungkook breathes a soft sigh of relief when he realizes she didn't mean his profession. Jungkook looks down at Taehyung, the smaller boy blushing from their proximity. Jungkook strokes his back softly trying to comfort the frazzled teacher while Jin watches with a look of intense curiosity.

"I think a better way to word that would be 'I'm the boy in love with your son,'" Jungkook chimes, trying to not let the woman's hostility affect his calming demeanor. Taehyung needs him for comfort, so he's going to provide that not caring that he doesn't get paid for another two days.

Love?! Pah! You're just sinning. You can't really love him. You just want to use him!

Jungkook rolls his eyes. This woman is trying everything to get to him, but it won't work. Especially since Taehyung is really the one using Jungkook. Not the other way around.

"Ma'am, I haven't done anything untoward your son, nor have I harmed him in any way. We're just in love and happily enjoying our time together,"

I don't believe you! You're just using him. I know you are.

"Y'know, it's not very kind of you to judge a stranger without getting to know them, but since I see that isn't going to change and you're just some homophobic witch, let me tell you this. I care for Taehyung. I don't like when he's hurt or when others hurt him. If that makes you uncomfortable, then you can fuck off. I'll see you in a few days, and it was SO nice to meet you, ma'am," Jungkook snaps before slamming his thumb down on the red disconnect button. Taehyung looks up at him with shock, admiration, and glee. No one—and I mean NO ONE—has ever told his mother off like that.

"That are so fucking cool..." Taehyung whispers in awe, flashing a bright smile at him, and Jungkook laughs, ruffling his hand through Taehyung's hair while Jin quietly coos in the booth across from them. Jungkook at first was disappointed in himself for cursing at Taehyung's mother, but his reaction—his praise—makes it worth it. He wants to see Taehyung smile like that again and again. Even though they've known each other for one day, Jungkook can tell he's already hooked.

"This is gonna be fun!"


And that's all she wrote! I have a lot of work coming up, so I may be slow to post.

Thanks for reading!


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