Chapter Twenty-Two: Secrets

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Hey guys! I apologize for the short update. I've been wanting to get this chapter out for a while now, and the next part is kinda long and convoluted so I need time to work it out. With that, my holiday work schedule is going to be crazy so please bear with me as my updates will be slow!

Love you all! Now onto the story!!!


The night continues with the group of friends exchanging stories and sweet words and silly jokes. Taehyung feels comfortable in the group; they act as if they're all okay with him and Jungkook being boyfriends. Which is a surprise. He can remember back at university when three of the girls called him bitter names when they found out he was gay. It was hard to not fit in with them, but he'd honestly rather be true to himself than to be fake around them. It is much easier now with Jungkook supporting him most of the way through. Taehyung glances at the raven-haired man as one of their friends tell a story, a smile crossing his lips when Jungkook starts laughing. The two share a sweet moment as their eyes meet and Taehyung can't help but melt closer as Jungkook gives his waist a tight squeeze. Jungkook pulls Tae towards his chest, letting the blond take comfort in the gentle pounding of his heart in one ear, and the loud boisterous laughing in the other. As the night goes on and drinks continue to flow into glasses, some of the friends leave, the group getting smaller and smaller as the moon passes over the clear night sky.

Jungkook is telling a story to Juliet about his college days, reminiscing on a fun moment when he feels Taehyung's head slowly roll forward on his chest. He pauses mid-sentence, pleasantly surprised to see the blond boy sleeping once again in his lap. Juliet, however, is shocked. She's never seen Taehyung so comfortable in his lover's arms. When around Daniel, his body always seemed so tense and so hesitant. He wouldn't cuddle, wouldn't sit on his lap, and he most definitely wouldn't fall asleep.

"That...that's new..." Juliet murmurs, gesturing to Taehyung with her chin. Jungkook laughs lightly, shrugging as he wraps his arms tighter around Taehyung's waist. Daniel glares from the other side of the fire, his lean fingers tightening around the alcohol bottle in his hand. He hates seeing how comfortable Taehyung is, but Jungkook was right. He has no place interfering now especially when he's about to get his hands on a large inheritance. He reaches over and wraps an arm around Talia, the young brunette only humming softly as she leans into Daniel's touch.

"Not really though. Taehyung has always been this cuddly with me," Jungkook exclaims, moving the boy a bit as he starts to slip. Taehyung groans, readjusting himself so his head is resting against Jungkook's shoulder, lush lips inches away from his ear as Taehyung's soft breaths tease his skin. Taehyung's long arms wrap around his boyfriend a bit more, fingers tightly interlacing behind Jungkook's back.

"No. You don't understand. He would never do this in the past. He never seemed...comfortable...enough," Juliet hesitantly says, her eyes flickering over to where Daniel and Talia sit and whisper to one another. Jungkook glances at them and sighs.

"I understand, but I like to think he can be comfortable with me. He can be himself whenever around me..." Jungkook honestly says, and a bright smile pops on Juliet's face.

"I'd hope so! You shouldn't be dating him otherwise," she says with a laugh, the two talking for a little bit more. Jungkook's hand runs up and down Taehyung's back, comforting him as he naps. The raven-haired boy's mind wanders to what Juliet said, and how he's never thought Taehyung was uncomfortable with him. Awkward and a bit shy, yes, but even from the beginning, there has been this unspoken connection between them that Jungkook just loves. Taehyung's never been afraid of him or to sleep around him. Jungkook seems subconsciously drawn to the blond boy, and vice versa, which makes him happier than he could ever say. Jungkook catches Daniel and Talia's glares during all of this, noting the heated way they whisper back and forth to each other. Talia eventually gets up and walks inside, saying goodnight to her friends and claiming she has a headache as the reason she needs to go.

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