The Wedding

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It's the day of the wedding, and Taehyung is nervous. He shouldn't be. He knows Jungkook loves him. He knows every step he is going to take, and yet he can't seem to calm the jitters in his tummy as he gets dressed in his white tux, his hands shaking slightly as he fusses with his hair. There's a knock at his bedroom door, and Ann Marie enters wearing a lavender dress and violet shawl. She smiles when Taehyung turns around, her eyes sparkling with pride and excitement.

"My goodness you're gorgeous," she says, bringing a smile to Taehyung's lips.

"Yeah...?" he nervously asks, turning to look at the mirror again as he fiddles with his hair.

"Yes, and I know for a fact your soon-to-be husband will agree," Ann Marie chimes, moving up behind Taehyung and kissing the top of his head. He calms down at the gentle touch; it is a reminder that everything is going to be just fine. His friends and family are there for him. He can do this.

"Thank you..." Taehyung softly says, turning to hug Ann Marie before standing up. He no longer needs to stare at the mirror. Everything will be just fine. The sun is still shining, the guests have started to arrive, and the musicians play a happy tune from the gardens. Taehyung slips his shoes on, taking a deep breath. He straightens up and picks up his white and purple rose bouquet before smiling at Ann Marie.

"Let's do this," he says, ready to walk down that aisle to his love. Ann Marie loops her arm with his, leading him out of his bedroom and down the stairs to the foyer where Pearl, Talia, Juliet, Yoongi, Jimin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Jin all wait. They wear white button-ups, black trousers, black vests, and purple bow ties, each holding purple and white mini bouquets that have Taehyung grinning wildly.

"You all look awesome," Taehyung chimes, drawing the group's attention. Some gasps slip from them, most shocked by how good Taehyung looks. The boy's confidence falters under the stares, "Do I look okay?"

"Amazing," Jin interjects, "You look absolutely amazing and I know Jungkook is going to cry," he says, laughing lightly as his own eyes get teary. Taehyung coos and hugs him, smiling when all the guys pile in for a group hug around him.

Yoongi is right by Taehyung's side and he whispers, "I'm so proud of you, Tae," before stepping back. Taehyung doesn't ask for an explanation. He doesn't need one.

Because at that moment, the wedding march song begins, and all the groomsmen, including Talia and Juliet, line up with big smiles on their faces. The first to walk towards the platform is Jungkook and his parents who were waiting in a separate part of the house. It made Jungkook nervous to wait alone, yet as Aunt Pearl comes down the aisle and then his friends, Jungkook can feel himself relax, his anxiety replaced by impatience.

He can't fucking wait to see Taehyung.

Sure his friends look awesome, and he loves that they incorporated the traditional Bridesmaid bouquet thing, but he wants to see his love. He wants Taehyung to already be at the altar with him, long elegant fingers entwined so he can say I do.

And then he is there. Standing at the end of the aisle with Ann Marie, and he looks ethereal. Jungkook's jaw drops when he sees the white tux that Taehyung wears, yet the blond boy isn't much better because Jungkook looks phenomenal. He reminds himself to walk, each step timed and measured while he studies the groom waiting for him. Jungkook has on a traditional black suit with black sequins embellishing the lapel, yet what shocks Taehyung in all the best way is the purple hair dye in Jungkook's dark locks.

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The Wedding Date: A Taekook StoryWhere stories live. Discover now