Catching Up

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Driving from the airport to his family's manor goes just as Taehyung expects it to. The radio is blaring and everyone is singing, their windows rolled down to let in the crisp autumn air. Jungkook sits in the passenger seat, helping with navigation and keeping the music playing songs they can all sing to. It takes a couple of hours before the question finally comes out.

"Are we almost there?" It is Jin that asks this, looking over the beautiful English countryside with both awe and concern, "You didn't get us lost, did you?"

"Of course not," Taehyung giggles, holding out his hand as Jungkook grabs his wallet and hands over a couple of pounds, "Told you they'd think I get us lost,"

"You're right. You're right," Jungkook mumbles, smiling fondly at the excitement of the blond and the laughter of his friends, "And to answer your question, Jin, we are almost there. Maybe another thirty minutes at most,"

"Good. I'm cramping back here," Yoongi grumbles from the last row of the van where he is squished between Hobi and Jimin once again.

"Soon! I promise!" Taehyung chimes, turning down another narrow lane that will take them up to the Harding manor once again. The blond's excitement spikes when he finally sees the gravel driveway split off the narrow lane. He turns down the road, pulling up the drive as all of the guys look around, admiring the view. Once the manor comes into view, he hears the intake of breath.

"Well shit. It's like a fucking castle," Jin says, his eyes excitedly looking over the brick manor, admiring all of the little architectural details, "It was built in the Tudor era it looks like,"

"Probably. My family has lived here for a long time. I don't know exactly when, but you can ask my grandma. She knows everything about this place," Taehyung chimes, turning off the car engine as everyone rushes from within. The fresh autumn air pierces through some of them, yet Taehyung enjoys it. Jungkook's eyes can't stop wandering, and he brings out his camera for photos. The last time they were here was during the summer; the trees now are vibrant red and orange and gold with different flowers blooming in the gardens. Everything is the same, and yet magically different which has his writer mind whirling.

"You know, seeing this place makes me understand why there were so many mythologies and lore around autumn and those woods we just drove through seemed to be from a whole different world," Namjoon exclaims as he grabs luggage from the trunk and hands it to the other enamored guys.

"Seriously. I'm already percolating on a new Faerie story...I'll have to do more research," Jungkook mumbles, his eyes still going everywhere even as Taehyung hands over their luggage.

"You'll have time to see whatever you wish," Taehyung chimes, kissing the man's cheek as he wanders to the front door of the manor, leading all the awestruck men. Before he can ring the bell, the door flies open and two people walk out. And right into Taehyung. The blond yelps as the woman bumps into him, and when they step back, he's staring at a wide-eyed Talia.

"Hey, Taehyung...this wasn't how I expected we'd meet," she quietly says and Taehyung laughs, rubbing at the spot where their heads collided. Talia, as always, looks impeccable. She wears a long cashmere sweater and tight dark pants paired with knee-high boots. Attached to her hand is a man with curly black hair and bright green eyes, "Tae, do you remember Victor? From uni?" she asks, gesturing to the guy who waves.

"It's okay if you don't, I don't think I had many courses with you," Victor says, and Taehyung shakes his head slightly.

"Sorry, no, but it is very nice to meet you!" Taehyung chimes, shaking Victor's free hand, "This is my fiance, Jungkook, and our friends Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin," he points to each man and all of them wave with a friendly smile. Talia also waves, a little nervous being around all of Taehyung's friends who have probably only heard the worst things about her.

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