Chapter Twenty-Seven: Sweet Words and Sandwiches

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Taehyung wakes to the sound of car doors slamming and loud, slurring, voices. His hazel eyes blink tiredly as he shakes off the heavy dregs of sleep, his body comfortably bundled amongst pillows and blankets. He feels a warmth beside him shift and he looks up, smiling softly when he sees Jungkook sleeping soundly next to him, the man's muscular arms wrapped tightly around his waist. Taehyung takes the time to admire Jungkook's features since the boy is asleep and not as intimidating; the sharp jaw relaxed and soft in his sleep, the gentle brush of dark eyelashes around his usual intense eyes, and pouting lips. Taehyung can't help but brush some of the hair out of Jungkook's eyes, tucking the soft locks behind his ear. He traces his fingers from Jungkook's pierced ear down puffy cheeks to his lips, playing lightly with them as a bright smile crosses his face. Jungkook is just too cute. It amazes him that such a cute guy can also be so attractive and fierce and cocky. Jungkook has a multifaceted personality and image. One that Taehyung is interested in discovering more and more.

After a few minutes of admiring Jungkook, Taehyung realizes he needs some water, and they don't have any drinks in the pillow fort. He manages to slip out of Jungkook's grip, tuck the blankets up around the raven-haired boy, and crawl out of the fort. All without waking Jungkook from his peaceful slumber. Taehyung straightens his hoodie, untwisting the fabric and ruffling his messed up hair as he wanders out of his bedroom. His bare feet barely make a sound on the ornate carpet lining the halls. All Taehyung can think about is getting a drink and Jungkook. Jungkook looked so happy sleeping in the pillow fort with him. Does he always look that happy when he sleeps or is it just when he sleeps with him? He doesn't really know, but Taehyung does want to thank Jungkook for the really cute date. Even if the two of them just ended up falling asleep during it. It still made Taehyung happy. Far happier than he thought he'd ever been.

When Taehyung gets into the kitchen, he sees the time on the analog clock read 10:45 pm. He's surprised some people have already arrived back at the house when they are supposed to be out celebrating the soon-to-be-married couple. Taehyung is thrilled that he didn't end up going to either party. He couldn't stand being around his drunk and demanding sister, nor would he want to go with Daniel and his friends when they were heading for the strip clubs and bars. Taehyung would much rather do exactly what he did. Cuddle up to Jungkook with Harry Potter playing in the background.

Taehyung opens the fridge, gathering ingredients for quick and easy sandwiches as well as two water bottles to take upstairs to Jungkook. He cuts into a fresh loaf of bread, humming softly to himself as he spreads mayo and mustard on one, and mayo with honey mustard on the other. He adds lettuce, slices of sharp cheddar cheese, turkey, tomatoes, and in his a sprinkle of shredded carrots for that extra crunch. He tops it off with pickles, and then closes the sandwiches, smiling at the simple yet delicious concoction. He plates the two sandwiches and puts them on a dinner tray so he can carry them upstairs with the water bottles and chips. They definitely need chips.

As he reaches into the pantry for Jungkook's favorite chips, he hears the kitchen door swing open and two heavy footsteps stumble into the kitchen. Taehyung freezes, knowing who those footsteps belong to. The boots he wears are a familiar trigger that sends a shiver through Taehyung's skin. He's tempted to step into the pantry, hiding amongst the boxes, jars, and bags of goodies until Daniel leaves, yet he hears a sharp intake and a low whistle which tells him he's been spotted.

"Hey, baby boy. I didn't think I'd see you here. You look goooood," Daniel drawls and Taehyung takes a deep breath, steeling his nerves and composing his expression to one of numb disdain as he turns and faces his ex. Daniel's blond hair was once slicked back neatly, though now it is messy, the gel losing hold of the short locks. His thin lips are curled into a wicked smirk, and those piercing eyes are glazed over with the alcoholic influence of too much liquor.

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