The Journey Begins

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And let the surprises begin!


It is the day of the flight, and to say Taehyung is panicking is an understatement. He went over his checklist seven times, three more times with Jungkook and his friends, and yet it is three hours to the flight, and Jimin isn't ready yet. Taehyung paces the man's apartment while Jimin gathers a few more things.

"Jimin...please, can you hurry? We still have to get the other guys," Taehyung finally says, trying so hard to be patient, yet with each ticking second on Jimin's clock, he can feel his anxiety rise.

"Chill, Tae, we have time," Jimin calls from the bathroom as he gathers his toiletries.

"We still need to pick up Yoongi and Hobi. Namjoon and Jin are meeting us at the airport, and you can never predict how busy those things can be, and I really don't want to miss the flight--"

"Relax," Jimin demands, walking into the living room with luggage in hand. He sets the bags down and puts two hands on Taehyung's face, squishing his cheeks as he does, "Your wedding is in a week. You have time. Don't freak out, okay? Just breathe and enjoy the journey."

"Trust me, I've been trying..." Taehyung mumbles as Jimin releases his face. He grabs the dropped luggage before wandering to the door, "Don't forget your passport and wallet..."

"I've got it, I've got it," Jimin chimes, locking his apartment as he follows Taehyung down to the car where Jungkook waits in the driver seat. Taehyung sticks the bags in the trunk before quickly climbing in the passenger seat, and Jimin crawls in the back.

"Hey Jungkook," Jimin greets and the other man smiles.

"Hey Jimin. You weren't torturing Taehyung, were you?"


"Yes. Guess which fool hadn't packed yet?" Taehyung teases, relaxing now that they are on their way to Yoongi's place. Hobi texted the night before saying he'd meet them at Yoongi's so that way they don't need to stop at three apartments.

"Jimin, I reminded you about packing yesterday. After Taehyung nagged me four times," Jungkook says with a cheeky grin that earns him a small smack from his nervous lover.

"I forgot!" Jimin chimes, "In my defense, I got distracted by this hot guy, and--"

"Please say no more. Your hot guy stories usually end in details about your sex life that I don't need to know," Taehyung interjects, drawing a bubbling laugh from Jimin and Jungkook.

"Face it, Taehyung, sexual pleasures are some of the best in the world. A good orgasm beats drugs any day," Jimin chimes right as Jungkook pulls up to Yoongi's place. He and Hobi walk out moments later, the dark-haired man taking a moment to lock his door as Hobi throws both their bags in the car trunk.

"I will agree with that statement, but I still don't need to know the gritty details you usually enjoy oversharing,"

"What are we oversharing?" Yoongi asks as he pops open the car door and slides in. He sits in the middle seat, giving Jimin the right side and Hobi the left since he knows they prefer it that way.

"Jimin's sex life," Jungkook retorts, waiting for his friends to settle in before driving off.

"Oh yeah that is always overshared," Hobi laughs and Jimin shrugs.

"I see no reason to lie to you guys."

"For my sake, will you please just...kid-proof your words when we get to England. My family is still pretty conservative even if they have finally accepted Kookie and me," Taehyung exclaims.

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