Chapter Five: Taking Flight

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Taehyung wakes the next morning tucked gently in his bed with his phone blaring on the table next to him. He stretches and fumbles for it, eyes still closed to protect them from the early morning sun.

"Hello?" he mumbles, his deep voice raspy from sleep. The chuckle that hits his ears jolts him awake, and he sits up amongst his pillows, "Oh hi, Jungkook,"

Morning, beautiful, Jungkook says, causing Tae's cheeks to fire a bright crimson red, you seemed really tired yesterday, so I thought I'd give you a wake-up call.

"Thank you...I must not have set my alarms last night,"

You didn't have the chance to.

"What do you mean?"

You fell asleep on me last night, Jungkook murmurs, and Taehyung blushes even brighter before groaning from embarrassment.

"Jungkook, I'm so sorry! I didn't do anything weird, did I?" Taehyung cries, spawning yet another attractive laugh from the boy on the other end of the phone.

Define weird?

"Well...I'm a cuddler when I sleep. Did I...did I do that?" he whispers, so embarrassed with himself right now when Jungkook just finds his response adorable. Jungkook doesn't have the heart to tell him that he did indeed snuggle him last night, and desperately clung to him when he moved to the bedroom.

Noted. But no, you didn't do anything weird, Jungkook says as Taehyung sighs with relief, chuckling softly under his breath.

"I'm glad,"

Well, I hate to burst your happy bubble, but have you looked at the time?

"No, why—oh shit! We're going to be late!" Tae cries, flinging his blankets off as he rushes out of the bed. He pops his phone on speaker, grabbing his luggage from his closet before stripping out of his clothes.

Tae? Jungkook interjects, hoping to draw the attention of the panicking boy while NOT thinking of him changing on the other end. Taehyung shimmies into new boxers, a new pair of jeans, and a slim grey t-shirt before Jungkook sighs, trying again to get his attention, Taehyung!

"What?! What's wrong?" Tae snaps, halfway into his soft sweater.

I'm already on my way to your place. Don't worry about us being late. We'll make it, Jungkook calmly says, easing Tae's panic immediately.

"'re right..."

You don't always have to agree with me, Tae, Jungkook replies, turning onto Taehyung's street, I want you to be as comfortable and as natural with me as possible. Taehyung sighs at his words, used to hearing similar things from his ex. He's too obedient or meek. He needs to grow a backbone.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook...but this is just how I am. I'm sassy with some, but for the most I'm quiet and comes with working with kids, I guess," Jungkook knows that is only the half-truth. Taehyung has been beaten down: by his exes, by his damn family, and by his own mind. He doesn't know if Taehyung is like this with just him or if he behaves this way with everyone. He's curious to see what happens at this wedding, and he's damn sure he'll protect Taehyung from anymore beat downs. don't need to apologize to me. It's okay, Jungkook says, his deep voice sending tremors through Tae. It is gentle and warm, comforting when he could be cold, Oh and I am outside of your house. Jungkook parks right in front of Taehyung's house; seconds later Taehyung runs out in dark skinny jeans and a red and white striped sweater, a pair of Converse on his feet. Jungkook can feel his breath catch, Taehyung's beauty stunning him even in his simplicity. 

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