Chapter Sixteen: A Small Town

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*I'm going camping tomorrow for two days, my dad is coming to visit Friday, and I have a new roommate moving in on Saturday. I'm not packed, her room is not ready, and my house is a mess. But I did finish this chapter. So that's something right?*


By the time the two boys reach town, it is well past twelve, and Taehyung is a hot mess. There are leaves in his blond hair, dirt smudges on his cheeks and clothes, and a slight sunburn on his nose. And yet Jungkook thinks he is probably the cutest person he's ever laid eyes on.

"Sorry I took us the long way, Kookie...I hope you don't mind," Taehyung exclaims, and Jungkook flashes him a sweet smile.

"I don't mind at all, Taehyung. It was fun,"

"Right!" Taehyung cheers, bringing a bubbling laugh out of Jungkook's lips. They wander aimlessly down a cobblestone street with a few other people, but no one who pays attention to the odd pair. It isn't until Jungkook takes ahold of Taehyung's hand and pulls him to the side that some people glance their way.

"You have dirt on your face, Tae..." Jungkook exclaims when Taehyung's bright questioning eyes burn into him. Taehyung blushes as Jungkook pulls the leaves from his hair, and dusts the dirt from his cheeks, gently stroking his soft face. Jungkook doesn't even notice the people around them, yet Taehyung does and hesitantly steps away, wiping the rest of the dirt from his skin.

"You could've just told me..." Taehyung mumbles, his cheeks still bright with embarrassment.

"I could've, but I enjoyed this more," Jungkook says, staring down at Taehyung softly, "Why are you embarrassed now...?"

"Most of the people in this town don't know I'm's a small town...I don't want to cause Grandma any troubles," Taehyung whispers, looking past Jungkook to the few people staring at them. Jungkook wants to pull Taehyung into a hug and tell him everything will be all right. That he doesn't have to worry or pretend around him...but Jungkook grew up in the city. He doesn't understand small town mentality, so he reluctantly nods his head and swallows his rebuttals.

"I understand..." Jungkook quietly says before Taehyung looks up and meets his eye. His eyes instantly widen when he sees Jungkook's cold gaze, his own inner turmoil hidden behind a tense mask.

"No! Wait! Don't misunderstand! I'm not embarrassed of you or being with you it's just—"

"No, Tae, I do understand," Jungkook interjects with a small smile, "I just wish you could believe in yourself and others more. It shouldn't matter to these people that you have a male lover. It shouldn't matter that you're gay since you are an amazing human being. But I will honor your request since I didn't grow up here. I don't want to make you uncomfortable..." Jungkook murmurs, and Taehyung can feel his heart swell with bliss and adoration for this man.

"I so don't deserve you..." Taehyung whispers and Jungkook laughs lightly.

"Funny. I've been thinking the same thing," Jungkook says with a wink that has Taehyung's cheeks flushing once again, "So...where do you want to go first, Taehyung?"

"Maybe the bookstore? Then we can get some lunch and wander about some more? And if there is any shop you want to stop in, please let me know!" Taehyung suggests, grinning when Jungkook smiles at him.

"That sounds wonderful. I'll do my best to refrain from flirting too..." Jungkook mumbles as the two of them start to head towards the bookstore.

"Thank you...and I'm sorry..." Taehyung says.

"Don't apologize, Taehyung. You have every right to tell me when you're uncomfortable with something," Jungkook exclaims, determined to get Taehyung to understand that fact. Taehyung looks at the ground, walking beside Jungkook silently as he thinks about what he just said. In the past, Taehyung had to swallow his complaints and discomforts. Daniel wouldn't care if something he did made him uncomfortable. He wouldn't care if Taehyung didn't want to publicly show affection or listen to him talk about past lovers. He'd just do it anyways and not care how upset Taehyung would get even if they were engaged.

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