Family Baggage

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I'm editing this with no tea in my system, so if you see errors, just blame the sleep deprivation. Also, enjoy a longer chapter because I hadn't the foggiest idea of how to end it.


"You had no right, Ann Marie! No right!"

Taehyung hears his mother shouting, words barely coming through the wood-paneled walls, yet it is enough for him to know he should go investigate. He doesn't want his friends to hear this, nor does he want to go check it out with them since he's afraid of what his mother might say or do to them. Thankfully, Jensen shows up, a polite smile on his lips as he bows to the group.

"Hello, Master Taehyung. I have set your friend's things in their rooms as you required. Shall I escort them?"

"I bet that's the only time Taehyung gets called Master--" Jimin jokes, trying to break the tension in the foyer, yet Yoongi lightly elbows him giving him an exasperated not now look.

"Yes please, Sir, that would be great," Yoongi says and the other guys voice similar agreements. 

"Please, follow me," Jensen says, leading them up the stairs and down the hall away from Ann Marie's study. Jungkook hesitates, looking at Taehyung and Talia with a curious brow.

"Do you want me to go with you, love?" he asks.

"I'm going to go with him," Talia interjects, a sharp determination in her tone that Taehyung is familiar with, though this time it is not targeted at him.

"We should handle this on our own..." Taehyung exclaims, squeezing Jungkook's hand lightly, "Thank you for the offer though..."

"No problem. Just holler if you need us," Jungkook states, and Victor nods. Taehyung smiles before heading up the stairs with Talia on his heels.

"This is gonna suck," she mumbles.

"Yep." Taehyung knocks on the study door, interrupting his mother's shrill tangent.

"Not now!" Helen shrieks, thinking it is a servant coming to interrupt, yet as Taehyung opens the door with Talia at his side, her face shrivels up in disdain, "Oh. It's you."

"Is everything okay in here?" Taehyung asks as he steps inside, Talia doing the same.

"It sounded like a pretty serious matter," she adds.

"It doesn't concern you," Helen sneers and Ann Marie scoffs.

"Like hell it doesn't! You've been trying to steal Taehyung's inheritance for years, and now you're throwing a temper tantrum because you cannot do it anymore," Ann Marie snaps, her patience wearing very thin. Taehyung knows about the inheritance and how he should've received something at 25, yet as the years passed, he just assumed it was because of the name change and not his mother.

"Wait...I can still get it?" Taehyung asks before Ann Marie nods.

"Both you and Talia can collect your inheritance, however, Helen was the one chosen to act out the will's instructions, and you can imagine how well that has gone," Ann Marie spits. Helen glares at her, blue eyes narrowed at the elder woman.

"You had no right to take that position from me," she hisses.

"Oh please. I studied law before and after I was married. I used to work for the largest company in Oxford, and you're trying to tell me I have no right? You were breaking the law; remember that or I will take other legal measures against you," Ann Marie's voice is firm, not yelling nor her normal tone which makes her somewhat terrifying. Taehyung never wants to get on the wrong side of this woman as she glares at Helen.

The Wedding Date: A Taekook StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora