Chapter Nineteen: Pearl

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(Hey all! I am back! Thank you so much for your patience as I finished "House of Cards". I am hoping to update pretty regularly from now on, however, I just got a new job so we shall see. Thanks again for your support and enjoy!)

Taehyung and Jungkook spend the rest of their day in the library, which would normally bore Jungkook to death were it not for Taehyung's excitement and child-like wonder. He showed him all of his favorites or the first-edition classics that he absolutely adored. Now, the two are curled up on the couch next to each other, Taehyung with a book in his hands, and Jungkook with a notebook. He's plotting out his next novel, outlining the characters, storyline, and possible plot twists he may want to implement. He's trying to branch out from his usual hardcore smut thing, wanting to write something worth showing Taehyung in the future. Taehyung keeps getting distracted by the sound of Jungkook's pen scribbling on the paper, brows furrowed and lips quirked as he thinks. He taps the pen every now and then, a thought slipping from his mind until he gets back into it and continues. Taehyung can't help but watch. He's mesmerized by Jungkook's process, yet he almost wants to interrupt it. He nibbles his lip, fighting with himself about disrupting Jungkook or just leaving him be. He settles with curling up next to him, resting his head in Jungkook's lap as he moves the boy's arm out of his way. Jungkook looks down at Taehyung, shock, and amusement on his face as his lips curl in a smirk. Taehyung snuggles against his leg, adjusting until he is comfortable before looking up and meeting Jungkook's gaze with his own boxy grin.

"Comfy?" the dark-haired boy teases, enjoying the light pastel blush that blossoms on Taehyung's cheeks.

"Yep. You keep doing what you're doing," Taehyung mumbles as he flips his book open again. Jungkook smiles brightly, his heart thumping in his chest while running his fingers through Taehyung's hair, the soft locks dancing gently around his fingers. Taehyung's eyes flutter slightly at Jungkook's touch, a soft smile creeping over his lush lips, "That feels really good..."

"I'm glad you're okay with it," Jungkook murmurs, going back to writing in his notebook with his right hand, and petting Taehyung's hair with his left. The boys pass another hour like this, each one content just being around each other and in the other's company. How is it Jungkook can make Taehyung so comfortable when he spent most of his time shut off from the world after breaking up with Daniel? Taehyung's surprised with how fast he fell for Jungkook, but he isn't going to complain. Especially when the boy pampers him like this.

Jungkook doesn't stop writing until there is a knock on the library door and Pearl, Taehyung's aunt, peeks her head in. She sees Jungkook in the seating area and scurries over, her small body draped in the usual elegant dress and jewelry that is expected of this family.

"Excuse me, Jungkook, have you seen--" her words cut off when she sees Taehyung curled up with his head on Jungkook's lap and a book in hand. Jungkook glances down, noticing Taehyung fell asleep, small little snores escaping his cute, puffy, lips, "Well...I was going to ask if you've seen Taehyung, but I see that is a very silly question," Pearl chimes, a small smile on her lips. Jungkook grins, removing his fingers from Taehyung's hair.

"Yeah, sorry, we kinda went into hiding after his sister...but can I help you at all?" Jungkook asks, and Pearl waves her hand abruptly as if swatting the very thought from the air.

"No, no, not at all. I was just going to offer him some tea since I crafted a new blend I wanted him to try," she mumbles, "But if he's sleeping, we should just leave him be,"

"Thank you. He is still fighting jet lag...maybe later?" Jungkook replies and Pearl nods.

"Of course. That is very thoughtful," she turns to leave before something has her hesitating. Her slightly weathered hands twiddle in front of her and Jungkook cocks a brow.

"Is there something else?"

"Yes. There is," she says, drawing on her bravery as she sits on the couch across from Jungkook, "Now, Taehyung has probably told you that I haven't always been that...supportive...of his life choices," she starts and Jungkook sighs, setting his notebook aside.

"You mean by him being gay?" he retorts, trying to keep his voice even and quiet so the tone doesn't wake Taehyung.

"Yes...but you must understand where I come from in these hesitations. It's not because I'm against him being with a man, I just felt like a man couldn't make him happy. Taehyung is a sensitive creature. He loves kids. He is kind and thoughtful and soft-hearted...I didn't want him to be hurt by a man who couldn't provide the love and compassion he needs. The type of love that women could provide him. And him being with a woman means he could have a child. To me, it made more sense for him to be straight," as Pearl explains this to Jungkook, her hands are fluttering about and her eyes are filled with nervousness. Jungkook can tell she is trying her best not to offend him, but he's still irritated by her silly assumptions.

"May I comment on this...?" Jungkook hesitantly asks and she nods.

"Of course, dear,"

"I understand where your concerns and hesitations are coming from. After meeting my fair share of English men, I can see how you would assume most of this gender are dispassionate and cold. And I will agree that Taehyung is sensitive. However, women could not provide him with the type of love he needs. He needs to be pampered and protected. He deserves to be spoiled and cherished, and while women can be compassionate, they cannot give that kind of love to Taehyung. And--with no offense to your family--after the type of women he grew up with, are you really surprised that he seeks comfort in men?" Jungkook says, his deep voice calm and collected without taking on the harsh edge he almost expects to show up. Aunt Pearl just softly smiles, her eyes filled with a sweet emotion Jungkook did not notice before.

"I was not trying to argue with you, my dear. I just wanted to clarify my previous hesitations. All I want is for Taehyung to be loved and to be happy. I was going to tell you that I approve of your relationship since you treat him very well; I saw that at breakfast with the two of you. Please, keep giving Taehyung that happiness he deserves, okay? That's all I can ask of you," she quietly says, shocking Jungkook as she stands and pats him on the shoulder, "You're a sweet man. A good man," she adds before wandering out of the library. Jungkook can't help but feel confused and elated and slightly worried. She gave him her blessing, but in a roundabout way, and it makes Jungkook worry because he isn't really a good man. Sweet, yes, but good? Is he good enough for a man like Taehyung? Jungkook looks down at Taehyung's soft sleeping face, his blond locks falling in his eyes as his long eyelashes tickle his squished cheeks. Jungkook strokes a finger gently over Taehyung's cheek, brushing a lock of hair from his eyes before those eyes flutter open, the beautiful hazel staring up at Jungkook.

"Good morning," Jungkook teases, smiling widely when Taehyung yawns.

"Mmm morning. No,'s evening..." he mumbles, stretching his arms over his head before flicking a finger over the underside of Jungkook's chin, "sorry I fell asleep on your leg..."

"No worries, lovie. It was adorable," Jungkook chimes, leaning down and kissing Taehyung on the forehead which causes the blond to blush brightly. Before Taehyung can respond, the library door opens again and Jensen peeks in.

"Ah, there you are, Master Taehyung! I was told to find you and let you know it is time to get ready for dinner. It will be in about an hour at 8:00 pm. Please don't be late," Jensen exclaims before bowing and wandering out. Jungkook sighs, thinking about all that Aunt Pearl said and all that happened today, his eyes flickering towards Taehyung only to realize he is probably thinking the same thing. Jungkook instantly takes Taehyung's hand in his, wanting to calm and comfort the sweet blond boy.

"It'll be okay. We've handled one meal so far. How bad can it be?" Jungkook says light-heartedly which has Taehyung laughing and rolling off the couch so they can go get ready. He offers his hand to Jungkook, who happily takes it, letting Taehyung drag him out of the library. Taehyung's head is foggy with the concern of what is to come, while Jungkook can't stop thinking about what Aunt Pearl said there in that tiny seating area in the library. Her words cause him to second guess himself for the first time in a long time, yet when he looks down at Taehyung, he knows he will do everything in his power to be the man that Taehyung needs. That Taehyung deserves.

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