Chapter Eight: Confidence

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"Remember, please don't curse. Talk as much as you wish, but just...don't curse and hide your tattoo at all times, please," Taehyung nervously says, turning the corner up the gravel road and into the wooded hills. Jungkook laughs, tugging on the collar of his leather jacket to show Taehyung that everything is hidden.

"Did you want to change before you see your family or are you comfortable in what you're wearing?" Jungkook comfortingly questions, wanting Taehyung to relax as best as he can.

"Um..." Taehyung looks down at his striped sweater with a pause, "I should probably change..." Jungkook reaches back, grabbing the handle to Taehyung's duffel bag and drags it to the front seat with them.

"Let's see what you brought," he chimes, and Tae lightly blushes as Jungkook starts sifting through his clothes, "Any opinions?"

"Anything in there that'll make me look less gay?" Taehyung sarcastically asks, and Jungkook laughs.

"Nothing you wear is going to make you less gay, love," Jungkook teases before Taehyung smacks his arm lightly, "Besides. I don't want you to be something you're not. You're going in there with a boyfriend. You should be comfortable in yourself," Jungkook adds.

"If you were in my shoes, what would you wear...?" Taehyung hesitantly questions, nibbling on his bottom lip as he turns onto a cobblestone driveway that seems to stretch along for miles. Jungkook takes this moment to thoroughly analyze Taehyung's body. He has a lean waist and long, lanky arms that end in delicate fingers. Jungkook can see three or four earring holes in his ear, meaning he's taken them out for this wedding. He's so worried about what his family thinks of him that he's willing to change himself for it.

"I have an idea, but we won't get you changed until you park. Sound good?" Jungkook asks, and Taehyung cocks a brow at him.

"Am I going to regret this?"

"Maybe, maybe not," Jungkook says with a shrug that has Taehyung slightly nervous and excited all at the same time. Jungkook looks out the car window, noticing that there's still no house in sight, "Where's this manor you were talking about?"

"You'll see..." Taehyung mumbles before pulling in behind a car on the side of the driveway. The path is surrounded by woods and thick trees, stopping Jungkook from seeing anything else. He hops out of the car and goes to the trunk, digging a white button up shirt out of his bag as Taehyung follows him nervously.

"Here. Put this on," Jungkook orders, handing the shirt over to an anxious Taehyung.

"'re a lot buffer than me...this is going to be too big,"

"That's the point," Jungkook says, lifting the striped sweater off of Taehyung before the honey haired boy whines.

"Hey! I can dress on my own!" he cries, pulling the button up over his slim fitting undershirt. Jungkook tries to ignore the image of Taehyung in his clothes, yet once the boy has it buttoned up, he can see that the white fabric swallows him. Despite that, it is still an extremely erotic sight that has Jungkook wanting to kiss him right this second, "This is really too big..."

"We can make this work," Jungkook says, unbuttoning the top button so Taehyung's collar bones are showing along with the long column of his tan neck. He turns Taehyung around before tucking the shirt in, trying desperately to ignore the feeling of cotton boxers on his firm ass. Taehyung is blushing like crazy, yet he doesn't fight Jungkook as he continues to help him dress. Once finished, Jungkook hands Taehyung two ties to choose from and a pair of silver studs.

" you think this is too much...?" Taehyung asks as he slips a sheen black tie around his neck, loosely knotting it before tucking it under the collar of his shirt.

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