Chapter Thirty-Two: The Rehearsal Dinner

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*I have a story outline due  Sunday for school, and two long work shifts coming up so what do I do? I hide in my wonderful world of fanfiction and fluffiness. Enjoy!*

Surprisingly, the boys arrive at the rehearsal dinner on time. The wedding and reception are being hosted in a big swanky hotel of glass and steel, bright crystal chandeliers, and uncomfortable modern chairs that are shaped more like mini abstract statues instead of actual furniture. The two stumbles into the hotel drenched to the bone, yet they have the biggest smiles on their faces and their fingers are intertwined. Immediately the posh receptionist stops them at the desk, clearing her throat to draw their attention.

"Can I help you...gentlemen?" She asks, staring down her nose at the sopping wet couple.

"Taehyungie!" Juliet calls out before either boy can speak and instantly they turn to face the girl, "You made it!"

"Hey, yeah I'm sorry! We kinda went on an adventure and got caught in the rain," Taehyung chimes, a sheepish smile on his lips. Juliet laughs, grabbing onto Taehyung's free hand while dragging him and Jungkook off to the west wing of the hotel.

"Just like when you were younger. I'm glad that aspect hasn't changed," Juliet teases and Jungkook laughs.

"Nope, he's just as curious and mischievous as ever," Jungkook playfully retorts.

"You make it sound as if I am a child..." Taehyung pouts, his friend and boyfriend's laughter causing him to flush with embarrassment.

"You are a kid," Juliet teases as Taehyung sticks his tongue out at her before giggling. The three hurry down a long hallway of marble and twinkling lights before they come upon a ballroom and corresponding room where it looks like everyone is storing their coats and purses. Jungkook sees Pearl quietly discussing something with Ann Marie before the two women spot them and hurry over with smiles on their faces.

"There you are! I was worried we were going to have to send a search party to find you two," Ann Marie says, her tone nonchalant and teasing, yet Taehyung can see the genuine worry in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. We got a bit side-tracked on the way over here..." Taehyung quietly says and Ann Marie smiles brighter, her lips curling as her hazel eyes brighten.

"That doesn't matter now. You're here; that is most important," Ann Marie chimes, gesturing for someone to bring over two dark-colored garment bags, "We brought you some nice button-up shirts and slacks. Your suits were also brought in case you decided to spend the night at the hotel instead of going back to the manor," she adds as the staff members hand Taehyung and Jungkook the garment bags and usher for them to go into the bathroom across the hall from the ballroom. The two of them hear laughter and music coming from the ballroom and Taehyung can feel a lump of anxiety form in his throat. Jungkook notices how Taehyung's brow furrow and the boy becomes eerily silent, his hands fiddling with the garment bag but not making any move to change into the clothes within.

"Tae baby, are you okay?" Jungkook asks, standing in front of Taehyung while touching his cheek softly to draw the boy's attention. Taehyung looks up, again subconsciously leaning into Jungkook's hand while a blush tints his cheeks. He loves hearing Jungkook's pet names and how each word exposes his concern.

"I'm okay...just kinda nervous...Daniel is in that are my old friends, Talia's friends, and our family...things can get messy..." Taehyung mumbles, yet Jungkook just flashes an encouraging smile.

"Don't worry. I'm here for you," Jungkook says, pulling Taehyung into a tight hug, which the blond boy instantly reciprocates, "I'm not going anywhere," he softly adds, kissing the top of Taehyung's head as a bright blush crosses his face.

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